Oakland County voters are requesting absentee ballots in record numbers and, typically, there are more spoiled ballots in the August primary elections than any other election. To ensure everyone's vote counts, County Clerk and Register of Deeds Lisa Brown has a few reminders.
"When completing your ballot, always use a blue or black ink pen. Fill in the box next to your choice. Don't use an X, checkmark or circle. In the August primary, do not cross party lines. Under Michigan election law, you can only vote for one party's candidates, otherwise, your ballot will be spoiled and the partisan section won't count. Don't forget to check both sides of your ballot, vote the same party on both sides and vote the non-partisan section."
Brown added, "If you want to vote absentee, send a written request to your city or township clerk. Your ballot must be returned to your city or township clerk's office by 8 p.m. election night. Be sure to sign the outer envelope. If you spilled coffee on your ballot or made a mistake, you can ask your city or township clerk to cancel that ballot and issue you a new one. Please, don't use white-out. If you already returned your absentee ballot and want to change your vote, you need to contact your city or township clerk no later than 4 p.m. the day before the election."
Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 4. If you have previously requested an absentee ballot, but choose to vote at the polling precinct, please bring your absentee ballot with you to be spoiled.
"I am thrilled to see so many people eager to cast their votes and have their voices heard," Brown said. "No matter how you choose to cast your ballot, we are working hard to make sure the process is safe and secure for all eligible voters."
Absentee ballot applications, online voter registration, a sample ballot, absentee ballot tracker, and the polling place directory can be found at the Secretary of State website: michigan.gov/Vote.