
Obsess, Scorpio!

By Jack Fertig

Q Scopes

Mars is in Aries, fierce and headstrong, but now as he's squaring Pluto, he can set off huge explosions of temper and political or rebellious passions. Mad erotic heat, yes. Sweet gentle romance, not so much.

ARIES (March 20 – April 19): An effective revolution takes planning, careful timing and delicate arrangements. Your anti-authoritarian outbursts are likely to be counterproductive. Try to take the long view and harness your energy, developing something more effective down the road.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20): Internalizing anger could make you sick, but popping off at whatever infuriates you can make more problems than it will solve. Confer with trusted friends and you may find a solution. Challenge your own dogmas before assailing others'.

GEMINI (May 21- June 20): Where do you see your sex life in 20 years? Exploring kink now may not lead you to being the world's filthiest pervert by then, but everyone needs a dream. Better yet, focus on integrity rather than techniques.

CANCER (June 21- July 22): Power struggles with your sweetie will not be easily resolved. Look past the outbursts of the moment. Yes, those need to be addressed, too, but in context. Try to see what's been building up, and how to resolve it in the long run.

LEO (July 23 – August 22): You can easily get so worked up trying to prove a point that you could hurt yourself or really screw up your work. Slow down and think a bit about what's provoking you, and how to solve the problem, not necessarily immediately, but thoroughly.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22): Finding your way into a hot erotic scene is not nearly as much of a problem as getting out! Be very careful what you get yourself into, and make sure your idea of hot and heavy is in sync with your playmate's.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22): An argument with your partner can seem to come out of nowhere, but something's been provoking trouble for a long time. It may go back to earlier family issues. A much-needed honest "heart to heart" could get loud and cathartic.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21): You need something to obsess on, now more than usual. Intently focus on work or a research project. Go easy and be alert in exercise and traffic. Being "too" careful is distracting and dangerous, as bad as being not careful enough.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 20): Playful impulses can get catastrophically expensive. Budget carefully and be creative. Embrace any challenge to your sexual and philosophical values as a key to brilliant artistic insight.

CAPRICORN (December 21 – January 19): Digging in your heels and hanging tough will only make domestic disputes worse. Think seriously about what the problem really is, and consider what you can sacrifice of yourself to make it better. Above all, keep communications open, both talking and listening!

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18): Arguments are coming far too easily. The real problem is deep within yourself. Rather than getting into fights with others, you need a friend you can trust to help you get to the root of what's bugging you.

PISCES (February 19 – March 19): Think ahead about your financial situation. Immediate needs may require revising long range goals. Think carefully about what to trim back in the present and for the future. Consider suggestions from friends, but don't let them provoke you into anything rash.


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