Vice President Mike Pence counted on Saturday President Trump's actions in favor of "religious freedom" — considered by LGBT rights supporters as means to enable anti-LGBT discrimination — as reasons for why conservative voters should turn out in the congressional mid-term elections to back Republican candidates and the Trump administration.
Pence made the remarks before attendees at the Values Voter Summit, an annual D.C. confab for social conservatives hosted by the anti-LGBT Family Research Council.
The vice president counted Trump's actions in favor of "religious freedom" as reasons why voters should support Republicans in the mid-terms as well as with other factors, including a booming economy, lower taxes, support for immigration enforcement and a tougher stance on America's adversaries across the globe.
"Our administration has also taken action to protect and promote our first freedom, the freedom of religion and religious liberty for every American," Pence said. "Last year President Trump chose the National Day of Prayer to announce new policies to protect the religious liberty of every American regardless of their creed. We've taken action to protect the conscience rights of doctors and nurses."
Although the Trump policies Pence referenced on the National Day of Prayer didn't explicitly contain any language seen to hamper LGBT rights, it directed U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions to draft further to ensure "religious freedom" is protected.
Sessions ended up issuing guidance that allows individuals and businesses to act in the name of religious freedom — often used as an exercise for anti-LGBT discrimination — without fear of government reprisal. Nowhere in the guidance is there a limiting principle assuring the right to free exercise of religion should be an excuse to engage in anti-LGBT discrimination.
The second policy Pence referenced is the establishment of the Conscience & Religious Freedom Division at the Department of Health & Human Services, which critics say allows medical practitioners to deny abortion-related services and treatment to LGBT people on religious grounds.
HHS followed up with a proposed rule change that allow medical practitioners to invoke a religious exemption to get out of offering abortion-related services and transition-related care for transgender people, including gender reassignment surgery. Other provisions condoning religious counseling were construed as allowing federal payments for widely discredited "ex-gay" conversion therapy.
Pence himself is known for taking action in the name of "religious freedom" to enable anti-LGBT discrimination. As Indiana governor, Pence signed into law a "religious freedom" measure widely criticized for allowing individuals and businesses to refuse service to LGBT people. After an outcry from LGBT rights supporters and the business community, Pence was forced to sign a "fix" limiting the ability to discriminate under the law.
The vice president alluded to further actions in favor of "religious freedom," predicting Brett Kavanaugh will soon "will soon be Justice Brett Kavanaugh" upon confirmation by the U.S. Senate and issue rulings in line with social conservative thought.
"Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a man of integrity with impeccable credentials and a proven judicial philosophy," Pence said. "On the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, he wrote more than 300 opinions that reflect a strong record of support for limited government, religious liberty and our Second Amendment. He's a conservative who will interpret the Constitution as written, and his record and career deserves the respect of every member of the United States Senate."
The confirmation of Kavanaugh, which is opposed by progressive and LGBT rights groups, is being held up in the U.S. Senate after the emergence of allegations from Christine Blasey Ford he attempted to sexually assault her in 1982.
Alluding to the allegations without enumerating them, Pence said he and Trump are "confident that Senate Republicans will manage this confirmation properly with the utmost respect for all concerned."
For these "religious freedom" actions and other efforts, Pence urged attendees at the Values Voter Summit to come out in support of Trump during the upcoming congressional mid-terms and to tell others "we've been fighting for the values that make this nation great."
"With 45 days to go, my fellow conservatives, as you'd heard at this summit, now is the time for the sake of America to pray, to vote, to stand," Pence said. "And I know you will. The other side is mobilized, and some say they're motivated as never before. But I say we must match – in fact, I say we must surpass – the energy of the American left and their enthusiasm and passion. And if we do, we will win."
Pence faced criticism from LGBT rights supporters by agreeing to attend the Values Voter Summit based on the anti-LGBT policy objectives the Family Research Council and the speakers that appeared on stage before and after him.
David Stacy, government affairs director of the Human Rights Campaign, said speakers at the Values Voter Summit are known for expressing support for conversion therapy and condemned Pence for appearing with them.
"The practice of 'conversion therapy' is abuse and can be life-threatening, which is why a growing number of states are banning it," Stacy said. "And the denigrating language they direct at LGBTQ people send a dangerous message — particularly to LGBTQ kids — about their equal dignity and worth. Once again, Mike Pence is making clear that he stands with many organizations and leaders who promote hate and fear. We know those are not true American values."
This article originally appeared in the Washington Blade and is made available in partnership with the National LGBT Media Association.