
Project snooze

Chris Azzopardi

You can't miss Jeffrey Sebelia as he scoots through the upstairs level of the GM Design Center. His neck is inked, and he stills wears shades indoors.
The scrawny fashionista – whose cocky persona helped him sweep the third season of "Project Runway" and who runs his own fashion line, Cosa Nostra – spieled to Between The Lines. And though he wasn't an arrogant turn-off to us, he didn't censor himself on what he thinks is a ho-hum fourth return for Heidi Klum and Co.

Why's this season of "Project Runway" so dull?
Everyone takes them self so seriously. I think people are very self-conscious. And they're afraid of being judged. And they're afraid of how they're gonna be viewed. And they're afraid of how they're gonna be portrayed. And then they just come out afraid, in my opinion.

If you had to choose a winner right now, who would it be?
I think Rami (Kashou). In my opinion, he's sort of got the highest taste level.

Is there a designer on the show whose clothes you would wear?
Hmm, not really. None that I've seen yet. I like Elisa (Jimenez), but she was kicked off. And I like Sweet P; she's a good friend of mine.

What's it like being an observer instead of a participant?
It's a little frustrating. … I just think all the clothes that are being made are a little bit boring, too. Not just the personalities, but I'm just seeing clothes and nobody seems to be going out on a limb.

What are you currently working on?
A wedding gown. A whole wedding ceremony for Steven Tyler's daughter (Mia Tyler). She's getting married in a year, so I'm gonna do her gown and then the bridesmaids' and her husband's tuxedo and the guys and the whole thing.
