
Same-sex marriages begin in Connecticut

by Rex Wockner

Same-sex couples began marrying in Connecticut on Nov. 12 after final judgment was entered in a case decided by the state Supreme Court on Oct. 10.
In a 4-3 ruling, the court had declared that the state's policy of offering same-sex couples only civil unions violated that state constitution's guarantee of equal protection under the law.
One report, based on partial data, said 66 marriage licenses were issued to same-sex couples across the state in the initial hours after same-sex marriage became legal.
With California voters' recent decision to re-ban same-sex marriage, Massachusetts is the only other U.S. state where gay couples can marry.
The California move, which amended the state constitution, is under assault in several new lawsuits filed with the state Supreme Court, and gays and their supporters have staged numerous large street demonstrations up and down the state since Nov. 4.

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