
The 2006 Wilde Awards

A crowd of 240 theater aficionados gathered for hour d'oeuvres and cocktails and a two-hour show honoring Michigan theater at the 5th Annual Wilde Awards on Aug. 30 at the Gem Theater.
"It went fantastically," Wilde Awards' Producer Don Calamia said. "The response from folks from people who talked to me after the show was extremely positive."
During the show, awards were handed out and parodies of long-standing shows, such as "Cats," "Les Miserables" and "Annie," were performed.
"It was probably the best show yet," Calamia said. "It's going to be hard to top next year."

The Winners

Readers' Choice Awards

Favorite Professional Touring Production: "Chicago," Fisher Theatre

Favorite Local Professional Production (Comedy): "Jacob Marley's Christmas Carol," Performance Network Theatre; Tony Caselli, director

Favorite Local Professional Production (Drama): "A View from the Bridge," Blackbird Theatre; Lynch Travis, director

Favorite Local Professional Production – (Musical/Musical Revue): "Cancer! The Musical," The Abreact; Shawn Handlon, director

Favorite Original Production or Improvisational Comedy: "8. An Antiplay," Planet Ant Theatre; Chris Korte, director

Favorite Local Professional Production with LGBT Themes or Characters: "Take Me Out," Performance Network Theatre; Jim Posante & Tony Caselli, directors

Critics' Choice Awards

Best Lead Actress (Comedy): Naz Edwards, "Coming of Age," Jewish Ensemble Theatre Co.

Best Lead Actor (Comedy): Ed. Simone, "The Merchant of Venice," Michigan Shakespeare Festival

Best Supporting Actress (Comedy): Kate Peckham, "Steel Magnolias," Meadow Brook Theatre

Best Supporting Actor (Comedy): Aral B. Gribble II, "King o' the Moon," BoarsHead Theater

Best Lead Actress (Drama): Carmen Decker, "Moonglow," Performance Network/BoarsHead Theatres

Best Lead Actor (Drama): Ray Schultz, "Take Me Out," Performance Network Theatre

Best Supporting Actress (Drama): Casaundra Freeman, "Hannibal of the Alps," Detroit Repertory Theatre

Best Supporting Actor (Drama): Darrell Glasgow, "Take Me Out," Performance Network Theatre

Best Actress (Musical/Musical Revue): Kate Willinger Manfredi, "No Way to Treat a Lady," BoarsHead/Meadow Brook Theatres

Best Actor (Musical/Musical Revue): Alan Ball, "No Way to Treat a Lady," BoarsHead/Meadow Brook Theatres

Best Female Performer (Original Production or Improvisational Comedy): Tara Nida, "Small Packages," Planet Ant Theatre

Best Male Performer (Original Production or Improvisational Comedy): Tim Robinson, "Jerks at Warp Speed," Planet Ant Theatre

Best Duo in a Local Professional Production: Grant R. Krause & Patrick Michael Kenney, "Guest Artist," Purple Rose Theatre Co.


Publishers' Award for Excellence: Chris Jaszczak, 1515 Broadway

Critic's Choice Award: Janee Ann Smith, "Pretty Fire," Plowshares Theatre Company

Community Pride Award: Todd Heywood, Sunsets with Shakespeare

Angel Award for Outstanding Service to the LGBT Community: Performance Network

And from 2005:
Best Duo in a Local Professional Production: Arthur Beer & Council Cargle, "I'm Not Rappaport," Jewish Ensemble Theatre Co.

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