DETROIT – The Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan announced two grants totaling $30,000 from the Foundation's HOPE Fund to nonprofit organizations serving southeast Michigan's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities. The grants will help support two initiatives, including projects to assist lesbian and gay victims of domestic violence and help build a more comprehensive individual donor development program.
Grants awarded through The HOPE Fund are:
$10,000 to Lakeshore Legal Aid to expand a project assisting lesbian and gay victims of domestic violence in Macomb, Oakland and St. Clair Counties. Lakeshore will build on the momentum of efforts started in Macomb and Oakland counties over the past year and expand this effort into St. Clair County. The project will conduct training for police, pro bono lawyers, judges and staff focused on dispelling myths about the LGBT population, educating on LGBT domestic violence dynamics and identifying societal and systems barriers to ensuring the safety of LGBT intimate partners.
$20,000 to The Ruth Ellis Center Inc. to strengthen development and public relations strategies. The agency has received significant federal funding over the last several years and recognizes a need to build a more comprehensive individual donor program to both diversify the funding streams to the agency and to raise the partial match funds required on the federal grants. The grant will be utilized to build the existing donor list, build an expanded direct mail solicitation program and host small "friend-raising" events at the homes of donors and board members.
The HOPE Fund of the Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan exists to strengthen and empower organizations that serve the LGBT communities, by supporting important charitable activities in southeast Michigan and by encouraging individuals to consider what they can do with their personal philanthropy. Since its inception in 1994, nearly $900,000 in grants has been made through the Foundation's HOPE Fund. The HOPE Fund also helps people carry out their charitable wishes to benefit the LGBT communities.