
Two steps forward in Michigan

It is an exciting time to be living in Michigan. The "right wing nuts," as conservative New York Times columnist David Brooks likes to refer to the radical fringe of his party, are rabidly continuing their relentless pursuit of all things gay. Attorney General Mike Cox wants to take away health care from children because they have same-sex parents, but it is becoming increasingly clear that the good people of Michigan are waking up to the right-wing propaganda.
Last week we reported that Affirmations Lesbian and Gay Community Center is well on the way to completing a new $5.3 million facility for the LGBT community in downtown Ferndale. This week we report that a second parent adoption bill has been introduced into the Michigan House of Representatives and passage looks promising. You can also read how the Arcus Foundation has taken a major step forward in Michigan by bringing in Urvashi Vaid to run their expanding operations.
We see LGBT people and our allies in Michigan banding together, like the coalition of activists and plaintiffs in the ACLU lawsuit that seeks to save domestic partner benefits for gay and lesbian public employees. We see cooperation in the community's efforts on second parent adoption. And we see the community rallying behind the new community center project in Ferndale with resources, time, energy and commitment. Vaid and the Arcus Foundation will be increasing the presence of the LGBT community in Michigan to new levels. She is one of our movement's most gifted orators and thinkers, and we look forward to seeing remarkable changes in how people in Michigan perceive the LGBT community.
All of this progress is rooted in our community's collective willingness to come out more, be seen more, and to speak from our hearts every chance we get. The people of Michigan know when they are being sold out, and the rabid anti-gay activists ought to take heed that people are listening and watching what they are doing. Who are they protecting and who are they attacking?
Those who want to pin the sins of the world on LGBT people are losing their credibility. We are heartened by recent developments and are hopeful that the future will be brighter for the LGBT community in our state. And it will be if we can continue to work together and continue to come out – every day, all the time.
So think about it the next time you have a chance to be out and open. Most people harbor no innate antagonism towards LGBT people. They can be moved to accept us if we give them the chance to get to know who we really are. If progress comes as two steps forward, and one step back, we are in the moment when we are moving two giant steps ahead.
Get involved, watch what is happening and come out every chance you get.
