
Wake up call

Dear BTL,
While many in the gay and lesbian community would say that November 2 should be a day of mourning due to the presidential and Proposal 2 election results, I would say if anything, it should serve as a wake up call that our fight for equality is only beginning. Many individuals in the gay and lesbian community have become complacent after 8 years of a gay-friendly administration during the Clinton years and great strides with many companies extending benefits for domestic partners. They did not receive a wake up call during George Bush's first four years.
However, now more than ever, the gay community needs to realize that we have a presidential administration and countless of millions of voters energized and mobilized against gay rights. We as a community must step up to the challenge and prepare for a long and hard fight. To do this, we as a community must do five things:
1. Support our local community organizations.
2. Support our local gay and lesbian businesses. Pick up a Pride Source directory and do some of your holiday shopping from gay owned and gay friendly businesses.
3. Support our local gay and lesbian political groups.
4. Support our national gay and lesbian political groups. HRC contributed $350,000 to the Coalition for a Fair Michigan. So those that argue that money sent to Washington does not support local needs are wrong.
5. Be "OUT of the Closet."
We can't sit back and expect someone else to fight our battles for us. It is up to each and every one of us to become involved.
Roman T. Nestorowicz
