
We're here. We're queer. We're proud of it

While we at BTL try to report as much good news for our community as possible, bad news is unavoidable. And even though we would love to give you a paper with a smile on every page, it would be irresponsible for us to do that.
Take our Creep of the Week, for example. There's never a week where we just can't find anybody. Right-wing folks make the job far too easy. On the same day that tens of thousands of LGBT people and allies were celebrating in the blazing sun at Motor City Pride, Texas Governor Rick Perry was signing anti-gay legislation at a church.
The anti-gay industry never sleeps. But while we must remain engaged, that doesn't mean we can't ever have any fun. If Motor City Pride is any indication, the LGBT and allied community know how to throw one heck of a party even in the face of adversity.
Though Martha Wash belted out "It's Raining Men," there was no rain at Motor City Pride. The actual storm held off until after Pride was over. According to Sean Kosofsky of the Triangle Foundation, it has never rained on Pride, which doesn't exactly hold with the right-wing claim that God frowns upon us all.
And although this issue of BTL has its share of bad news, we've got some good news for you, too. Remember the American Family Association boycott of Ford Motor Company that we told you about last week? Well, that's been suspended. The AFA has backed down their attack on a company that supports gay and lesbian families. Ford hasn't moved an inch. See the story on page 7 and be sure to visit to voice your thanks for their support of our community. Even if you drive a Toyota, knowing that a company as large and influential as Ford supports diversity is reason enough to thank them. Keep in mind that Ford is more than a corporation. Real people work there, and they need to hear from pro-LGBT voices, not just the AFA goon squad.
Opening your mouth can make a difference, as many learned at Motor City Pride this week when a trio of drag queens was all it took to shut down a group of "bullhorn evangelists" who came to protest the event. Even the Ferndale police were impressed (see p. 9).
While we celebrate our pride in ourselves during special summer festivals, it's important to remember that LGBT Pride isn't about being better than anyone else. It isn't about having anything to prove, or even about being "just as good" as our neighbors. Pride is about being sufficient in ourselves, just as we are, with no need to compare our house – or our orientation or gender identity – to anyone else's. Pride is about facing ourselves in the mirror each morning and knowing that we respect, love and accept the eyes staring back at us. For our straight allies, Pride is about their knowledge that personhood transcends orientation – and being proud of themselves means standing with us against those sad, shameful people who are trying to hurt us.
The pride of the people who came together to support Ford has shown the AFA boycott for the shameful, anti-family effort that it was. And nothing, but nothing, is as proud as a trio of drag queens backing down hateful fools on a hot Sunday afternoon. We at BTL would rather have a group of drag queens in our corner any day.
