
What the community says about Jay Kaplan

"Jay is an irreplaceable resource to CARE and to the greater LGBT community. He is someone who truly cares about the community and is genuinely passionate about his work. He has been instrumental and tireless in advocating for second parent adoption legislation as well as advocating for LGBT parents and their children in the legal system."
Beverly Davidson
president, Coalition for Adoption Rights Equality

"He's a great guy, period. I met Jay at an audition; we were going out for the same role. As we sat up on the stage next to each other, he leaned over to introduce himself and to wish me well. Of course, he got the role – the best man won – and we have been friends ever since."
Michael Gravame
artistic director, The Actors' Company

"Jay understands the importance of coalition building. He's both diplomatic and gracious, while also remaining focused on results. If I get a phone call or email from Jay advising me to participate, I make it a priority to get involved. He has been great at building alliances between the ACLU and our community. His energy serves as an activist spark for myself, and I assume many others. Being able to work with someone so committed and dedicated is a blessing. Jay's energy and smile are infectious."
Johnny L. Jenkins Jr.
co-founder/director, Black Pride Society

"He likes helping people. He's never going to be wealthy, but as long as he's happy…"
Phyllis Kaplan
Jay's mother

"His performances in musical theater are actually my favorite. Watching him go from fierce advocate to singing diva is hilarious. He is such a ham and really good on stage."
Sean Kosofsky
director of policy, Triangle Foundation

"I have been privileged to have worked with him in the fight for second parent adoption, as well as during the 2004 fight against Proposal 2. He is a thoughtful attorney, a passionate legal advocate for our community and one of the kindest men I have ever known."
Alexandra Matish
assistant general council, Wayne State University

"He doesn't live in his head; he lives in his heart and lets his heart motivate him."
Kari L. Moss
executive director, ACLU of Michigan

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