
WSU Provides Teens with Career Readiness Tools

As of 2011, the National High School Center at the American Institutes for Research found a large disparity in college and work readiness in the eyes of teachers and students. High school teachers estimated that just over 60 percent of their graduating seniors would be prepared for college-level coursework, and that about half would graduate. In actuality, only about a quarter of students who to the ACT test in 2012 had scores that showed they were ready for college classes. The Wayne State University Center for Health and Community Impact has been actively fighting to prepare Detroit high school students to gain those necessary skills. On Feb. 24, they will be commemorating those efforts with a public event.
In fall of 2017, the university reached out to those high school students with information about the college application process, financial aid and on-campus student success center services. The students who participated in the program also "learned how to conduct a community health needs assessment and specific intervention methods to address health disparities in their community," according to a WSU press release.
The upcoming event will be a way to showcase the students' work in their community over the course of the last five months, and their ideas for positive intervention in issues like health disparities in their neighborhoods. The more than 50 selected students will pitch their ideas to a panel of Detroit food system experts beginning at 1 p.m. at the Wayne State University Student Center.
For more information about the event go online to To RSVP go online to
