
You are everyone's darling, Aries

By Jack Fertig

Q Scopes

Mercury, Venus, and the Sun are aligning in Aries bringing together charming, witty banter and mad, impulsive flirtations. Venus is retrograde so be careful with those flirtations. They're not likely to go anywhere you'll want to stay!

ARIES (March 20 – April 19): For now, you are everybody's darling and could get away with almost anything. Dedicate that power for good, not selfish motives. You have so much of yourself to offer; select your beneficiaries wisely to be fully appreciated.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20): Take some private time with your nearest and dearest in pursuit of pleasures that nurture your soul. No need to hide in a cloister. You can be wild, loud, and frivolous, but do get away from your usual routines and pals.

GEMINI (May 21- June 20): Fun with your friends can easily get way out of hand, but is that necessarily a bad thing? You could talk a tiger out of his or her stripes, but then what? When you start to improvise, then the fun really begins!

CANCER (June 21- July 22): The moon's not full this week, but you're shining like it may as well be. Dazzle your way up the ladder of success. Be clear on where you want to go and with whom. Or at least leave room to change partners and destination.

LEO (July 23 – August 22): Sometimes it's best to let people air out their differences or to hone their arguments in fiery debate. If your peacemaking talents aren't really needed, give yourself an aesthetic challenge at a movie or an art show you'd normally not attend.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22): Being a love god is a better deal when you can choose your worshippers. Even then, you're likely to make bad choices. Have your fun, but commitments should be made in the cold light of day, not in the throes of passion.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22): This is a great time to work on a relationship, not to start one. Problems are easy to discuss now. Solutions can come later. It may feel like you're backtracking. That's actually good for clarifying those problems.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21): Re-evaluate your goals at the gym. How much are you motivated by pride and vanity? Oh, really? Pushing too hard for looks may be undermining your health. Prioritize health, and your looks will last longer!

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 20): Your fascination with a new sport or hobby is probably just a passing fancy. Enjoy it, but don't invest in new gear at this point! Same with any dates right now. Don't confuse a great time with falling in love.

CAPRICORN (December 21 – January 19): Changes are needed around your home, and will be again soon. Whatever re-arrangements or new -_tchatchkes_ you like now will become annoying later. Just think of it as a springboard – and budget accordingly.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18): Dahhhling! You are just too, too charming. Be careful not to talk your way into something you can't get out of! Sure, you can fake sincerity for now, but that will trip you up later! Be real! No, _really_ real!

PISCES (February 19 – March 19): Brace yourself and take a close look at any financial problems. This is the not the time to be buying anything (bad impulses!) or selling (you'll get better prices later). Just take stock, and get things into order.

_Jack Fertig, a professional astrologer since 1977 teaches at the _International Academy of Astrology_ He can be reached for personal or business consultations at 415-864-8302, through his Web site at, and by e-mail at [email protected]._
