
BTL Staff

Between The Lines has been publishing LGBTQ-related content in Southeast Michigan since the early '90s. This year marks the publication's 27th anniversary.

Matters of Faith: Frames unlimited

By Michael Gibson Faith I was recently sent information about an upcoming ex-gay speaking engagement to happen during a gay pride week at Central Michigan University. For those who don't know, ex-gay refers to those individuals and groups who [...]

My patience on trial

By John Corvino During a recent family vacation I found myself reading "Marriage on Trial: The Case Against Same-Sex Marriage and Parenting" by Glenn Stanton and Bill Maier. Stanton is senior analyst for marriage and sexuality at Focus on the [...]

Unintended Consequences?

Things are getting pretty weird – and not weird like Michael Jackson showing up late for court in his pajamas weird. This is a much more insidious right-wing kind of weird and it's not coming to a theatre near you. It's coming to your actual [...]

A powerful voice for LGBT rights

By Dawn Wolfe DETROIT – She has been the legal director at Lambda Legal, the policy director for the National Center for Lesbian Rights, the legislative counsel for the Empire State Pride Agenda, and the family policy director at the Policy [...]



EMU's DP benefits under fire

By Dawn Wolfe YPSILANTI – In response to a decision by Eastern Michigan University's Board of Regents to expand tuition credits to the same-sex partners of university employees, the American Family Association of Michigan has launched a campaign to [...]

Horowitz wins NOW award

RUN WITH 1311/artwork/process/Horowitz, Susan BW.tif Susan Horowitz, co-publisher of Between the Lines, received the Susan Gold Lesbian Rights Award from the Michigan chapter of the National Organization for Women at their annual conference on March [...]

MAPP to reach out to Latinos

By Dawn Wolfe In April, the Midwest AIDS Prevention Project will begin a program designed to help Latino gay, bi, and transgender men create a sense of community, connect with the larger gay community – and prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. The [...]

A night or two at the opera for LGBTs

By Sharon Gittleman DETROIT – Imagine the hush in the audience as the red velvet curtain rises above the stage, revealing elegantly attired men and women passionately singing about love and betrayal in settings that rival your wildest fantasies. [...]

Interior designer Brian Killian dies after Birmingham blaze

By Sharon Gittleman BIRMINGHAM – Funeral services for Brian Killian, 57, held in Detroit last Saturday, brought together hundreds of family members, friends, business associates and clients from Michigan, New York, Florida and beyond. Killian was [...]

Meet Cocoa the BTL pet of the week

Say hello to Cocoa, an adorable seven-month-old Dachshund/Spaniel mix. She is a sweet and gentle young lady, however Cocoa is shy and becomes nervous in new environments. Although she is well socialized at the shelter, she may experience some [...]

Reach OUT

By Dawn Wolfe Help Senator John Kerry tell Bush & co. that "Kids Come First" In response to the frightening lack of health care coverage for the country's children – especially poor children – Senator John Kerry has introduced the Put Kids [...]