
BTL Staff

Between The Lines has been publishing LGBTQ-related content in Southeast Michigan since the early '90s. This year marks the publication's 27th anniversary.

Meet Skip the BTL pet of the week

Meet Skip, an adorable six-month-old gray and white male rabbit. He is looking for a new home because his previous guardians moved and could not bring him along. Skip is super sweet and very social. He needs a family that will give him daily [...]

Ban on out-of-state couples to be heard by Massachusetts Supreme Court

By Lisa Keen BOSTON – The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court has agreed to hear arguments this year on whether the state has a right to bar out-of-state gay couples from obtaining marriage licenses. This is the same court that ruled in November [...]

Organizations reach out to 'Put a Human Face' on gays and lesbians

PORT HURON – PFLAG Detroit, Blue Water Pride of Port Huron and Season of Non-Violence are jointly sponsoring a presentation called "Putting a Human Face on Homosexuality." The groups hope that the presentation will help attendees "reduce fear of [...]

State agency supports expanding adoptions

LANSING – Children's rights activists got a boost last week when the Office of Children's Ombudsman recommended greater access to second-parent adoptions in Michigan. The Office of the Children's Ombudsman is an independent government agency that [...]

Dear Jody

By Jody Valley Mom is mad Q: This is not an issue about being gay so I don't know if it is appropriate for your column, but it is something I am going through and I could use your advice. I am a mother of 3 young children. All three children are a [...]

Deep Inside Hollywood

By Romeo San Vicente Logan gets 'Drunken' with Leo You might not know John Logan's face, but the openly gay screenwriter is on everyone's Hollywood wish list these days. He wrote the Oscar-nominated screenplay for "The Aviator" and is busy at work [...]

Growing older gay

By John Corvino A few days ago I found myself looking in the mirror and noticing that I'm aging. This is not a bad thing – and not just because the alternatives are death and plastic surgery, neither of which appeals to me. I actually like my [...]

Health is caring - for yourself and others

In this special Spring Health issue of Between The Lines we bring you stories and resources to get your body, mind and spirit retuned and reinvigorated. We've come up with suggestions to help you eat right, exercise and play safe. We also encourage [...]

Where is the black community on same-sex marriage?

By Imani Williams Exactly where are black folk on the same-sex marriage issue post election 2004? After being the topic of discussion for months up to and subsequently following the November elections, talk has simmered to a low and it appears that [...]

All politics is loco

By Sean Kosofsky Moving past pride Greetings! This column is the first in a journey I am taking as a writer, political commentator and pundit. My column will appear regularly and will serve as a venue for a young queer voice to discuss the crazy [...]

An old fear given new life

By Dawn Wolfe On Feb. 11, New York City health officials announced the discovery of a rare, highly-drug resistant strain of HIV. According to the report in the Feb. 12 New York Times, the strain led to the development of AIDS in a man who was [...]

Big Three proponents of diversity

Dear BTL, I am commenting on your cover story about the Big Three's donation to Affirmations. Their contribution joins their decades-long list of contributions to Detroit's arts organizations. Ford, GM, and DaimlerChrysler are proponents of [...]