
BTL Staff

Between The Lines has been publishing LGBTQ-related content in Southeast Michigan since the early '90s. This year marks the publication's 27th anniversary.

Daughter of arch-conservative at comes out at Maryland LGBT rally

By Bob Roehr Maya Marcel-Keyes made her debut as a gay activist at a rally by supporters for LGBT rights in Annapolis, Maryland on Valentine's Day. Defining herself as a "liberal queer," the 19 year-old urged support for young gays and lesbians [...]

Ingredients for making meth

To make crystal meth a whole host of caustic and poisonous ingredients are needed and the process results in toxic byproducts. In addition to environmental hazards, prolonged exposure has been linked to burns and lung damage. Whether making or using [...]

New study links crystal meth use, HIV infection

By Brent Dorian Carpenter A new study conducted by the Michigan AIDS Prevention Project has established further links to an increase in the epidemic of crystal methamphetamine use and HIV infections. According to Craig Covey, MAPP's CEO, the 2004 [...]

A deadly history

Craig Covey, executive director of the Midwest AIDS Prevention Project, is not one to mince words – and when it comes to gays getting high and taking sexual risks, he doesn't hold back. "Using speed along with Viagra and engaging in marathon [...]

Ask The Debt Free Diva

By Dee Dee Sung To receive a free copy of the report titled "10 Myths about Credit and Debt that Stop Smart People from Living their Dreams" email [email protected]. Q: Dear Debt Free Diva, I am about to buy my first home and am totally [...]

Dear Jody

By Jody Valley Silent prejudice Q: I have had a friend for 15 years; she and I have been through a lot together. The problem is that I really don't want to continue our friendship, but I'm not sure exactly how to end it. The problem I am having [...]

Deep Inside Hollywood

By Romeo San Vicente Lily's little house on the 'Prairie' Romeo thinks the best moment to make the film version of something is when the adapted intellectual property in question is long past its initial burst of popularity. It's just less forced [...]

National News Briefs

Compiled by Dawn Wolfe Politics PBS chief quits over gay cartoon WASHINGTON – Pat Mitchell, the Public Broadcasting Service chief will step down when her contract expires in June 2006. Mitchell drew recent criticism from conservatives for an [...]

Reach OUT

By Dawn Wolfe Think the medium is the message? Check out Free Press! …and no, we're not talking about Detroit's corporate-owned paper. "Free Press is a national nonpartisan organization working to increase informed public participation in crucial [...]

Camp Trans plans protest of festival policy

By Sarah Mieras HART – Transgender activists from throughout the world will once again set up camp across the road from the world's largest women-only event to protest a long standing policy that excludes certain groups of women from [...]

Delving below the surface

By Terry Lynn Howcott, M.S.W. {BOLD The Straight Black Pot and the Gay Black Kettle 2nd in a two part series on 'The Down Low'} I can't overbear this with historical facts about Black people, but suffice it to say most of us shape livelihoods, rear [...]

House holds fourth marriage hearing

By Bob Roehr The House Judiciary subcommittee on the Constitution held its fourth hearing around the issue of marriage equality on June 24. The supposed theme of the hearing was limiting federal court jurisdiction to protect marriage for the [...]