
Crystal A. Proxmire

Crystal Proxmire is the editor and publisher of The Oakland County Times. She loves covering municipal governance and cheering on community efforts.

Artist's First Keeps Her Learning, Growing

Darlene Hermann will be one of several artists featured at Affirmations Pittman puckett Gallery beginning March 14. Photo courtesy of Darlene Hermann. Darlene Hermann was 64 when she began doing art three and a half years ago. Now it is a major part [...]

Royal Oak City Commission Approves Human Rights Ordinance

Unity Michigan team delivers 2,397 signed petitions asking the Royal Oak City Commission to pass a human rights ordinance, which it did with a 6-1 vote. BTL photo: Crystal Proxmire Readers wishing to thank the Royal Oak Commissioners can do so [...]

Judge Decides To Wait On Adoption And Gay Marriage Decision

The couple will have to wait until June for U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman to make a decision in their case. BTL Photo: Crystal Proxmire Hazel Park couple Jayne Rowse and April DeBoer will have to wait until June before U.S. District Judge [...]

Equality In The Jury Box

Among the lesser-known places discrimination takes place is inside the courtroom, particularly in states where it is not illegal to dismiss jurors because of their sexual orientation or gender expression. Michigan is one of those states. The Jury [...]

Democratic Party Leadership Changes At State And LGBT Caucus Level

From left to right, 2nd Vice Chair Ferndale Mayor Dave Coulter, 1st Vice Chair Jan Stevenson, 3rd Vice Chair Garnet Lewis and newly elected LGBT Caucus Chair Mark LaChey. BTL photos: Crystal Proxmire DETROIT – Both the Michigan Democratic Party and [...]

Tail Waggers And Bissell Chip In To Get Animals Into Digital Database

Animals of Inkster and Garden City have a golden opportunity, thanks to Tail Waggers in Livonia and the Bissell Technology Foundation who are partnering on an animal microchipping program. Tail Waggers offers low cost microchipping and other [...]

Reasons to Get Your Poop Scoop On

Bill Field has been poop scooping for 13 years. And while the ins and outs of the animal waste removal business may not make for a glamorous story, the reasons behind it are worth understanding. Field is the owner of Highland-based Poop 911, a [...]

Wag'n Tails Pet Resort Knows the Importance of Good Grooming

Wag'n Tails employee Claire. Photo courtesy of Wag'n Tails. LANSING – Grooming one's four-legged companion is not a luxury, but a part of care that every pet owner should take seriously. Not only does it make the animal look good, it makes them [...]

Michigan: County Clerk Moves Out of Way in Second Parent Adoption Case

April DeBoer and her partner Jayne Rowse have been together for eleven years, and have lived together for six. Rowse is the legal parent of 3-year-old N and 2-year-old J. DeBoer is the legal parent of 2-year-old R. Photo courtesy of family. When a [...]

What Healthcare Reform Means for LGBT Communities

The biggest challenge with healthcare reform is the abundance of rumor and misinformation that is out there. That's why Michigan Consumers for Healthcare and the Center for American Progress are traveling around the state explaining the law to [...]

Second Year Statewide Conference on LGBT Issues In Education Coming Up

Last year's Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Initiative Conference at Oakland University was such a hit that organizers are stepping it up for 2013, including offering Continuing Education Credits for education and counseling [...]

Between Ourselves: Rebekah Warren

Rebekah Warren is the Michigan State Senator for the 18th District. As an ally, she has pushed for amending the Elliott Larsen Civil Rights Act to include protections for LGBT people, as well as equality in adoption laws. Prior to working as a [...]