Jason A. Michael

Jason A. Michael

Jason A. Michael is a senior staff writer for Between The Lines and Pride Source Media Group. He has been writing for BTL since 1999. Jason is also an Essence bestselling author. He may be reached at [email protected].

Standing Up To Trump

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New Support Network Helps Peers in LGBT Community

The Michigan LGBT Peer Support Network is a new group aimed at helping people in the LGBT community start support groups and build alliances. "I didn't create the Network to compete with other organizations, but to give LGBT people more options," [...]

SAGE Table Comes to Detroit

Its aim is to promote intergenerational conversation over a nice meal. For the second year in a row, SAGE Table, sponsored by SAGE — an organization that provides advocacy and services for LGBTQ older adults — will bring together the old, the young [...]

From Injury to Industry

Oct. 5, 2010 started off just like any other day for Brandon La Forest. He woke up a little early, had a meeting at the office and was on his way to an appointment in Lansing. But just outside the city, while La Forest stopped to avoid an accident [...]

Michigan Faith Leaders Petition Congress to Protect LGBTQ Constituents

At a press conference Friday, Oct. 19 that capped off the daylong Faith, LGBTQ Inclusion and Human Rights conference at Metropolitan Community Church – Detroit in Clawson, faith leaders from across Michigan came together to announce plans to [...]

LGBTQ STEAM Leaders Needed

According to Dr. Truman Hudson everyone starts life with a "blank canvas." "Which oftentimes is shaped by the decisions that others have made for us," he said. He is a lecturer of multiculturalism at the University of Michigan – Dearborn. Hudson, [...]

BTL's Charles Alexander Recognized by Hannan Center

Longtime Between The Lines columnist and contributor Charles Alexander was recently recognized by the Hannan Center as one of their 70 over Seventy: The Next Chapter Awards honorees. Alexander was presented with the award at a brunch banquet [...]

Local Author is Divinely Queer in New Book

They say that everyone has at least one book in them. However, it's in the getting it out and on paper where complications sometime arise. Jennifer Miracle-Best, the author of the soon-to-be-released book "Divinely Queer: My Journey to Spirituality [...]

Inclusive Justice Brings LGBTQ Conference to MCC-D

Inclusive Justice will present a day-long conference called Faith, LGBT Inclusion & Human Rights on Friday, Oct. 19. Inclusive Justice is a statewide, faith-based coalition inclusive of all traditions that affirms the inherent dignity and worth [...]

Local Domestic Violence Group Turns a 'House into a Home'

The group is called Phoemale and, for anyone wondering, is pronounced just like the word "female." The unique spelling represents the words "phoenix" and "female" combined and the group celebrates women rising from the ashes. More specifically, [...]

Not in my House' Gives Dance New Meaning

Coming out stories. In the LGBTQ community, we all have one. Now, a unique collaboration between Kristi Faulkner Dance and the Ruth Ellis Center is turning those stories into art. "Not in my House' radically shifts the narrative about LGBTQ identity [...]

BBB Hosts Panel on 'Cultural, Social, Sexual and Political Power in the Age of 45'

The Black Bear Brotherhood of Detroit, a local social group dedicated to black gay men of size, and the Onyx Great Lakes Chapter, a fraternal order for men of color, are co-hosting a panel discussion called Black Gay Men: Cultural, Social, Sexual [...]