
Parting Glances (Remembering Jeff #3 of 3)

I've had two occasions — as an innocent bystander, I assure PG readers — to meet former Detroit mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick, now living as a rather restricted, [...]

Parting Glances: Remembering Jeff (#2 of 3)

I waited 'til the last Christmas carol was sung, the last bit of New year's confetti was thrown, and the last champagne cork was popped before seeing "The [...]

Parting Glances Remembering Jeff (1 of 3)

It's amazing what one can do with a wooden spoon, a shoe lace, a bare neck, and a twist of the wrist (occasionally limp). Play asphyxiation games. Commit [...]

Parting Glances: My Nearly Forgotten Gay Twenties

I went to my first gay bar, the Silver Slipper, a dyke bar on Grand River, near downtown Detroit. Just 19, I used borrowed ID, escorted authoritatively by two [...]

Parting Glances: A Parade to Affirm 49 Times

CHICAGO: This is my tenth trip to the Windy City to take part in its Annual Pride Parade gathering. Since I first started to visit the city in 1959, I've seen [...]

Parting Glances: How's Your Left Behind For Jesus?

WACCOFF, TX. Source: Lone Star Police Gazette & Badge Polisher. Headline: Under Cover Cops Make Sunday Surprise Restroom Arrests! Mark your activist desk [...]

Parting Glances: A Glimpse of Shocking

There were two newspaper kiosks in once-busy downtown Detroit in the 1960s. One situated at Grand Circus Park. One, at Campus Martius, across from the [...]

Parting Glances: Let God's Trumpet Sound!

If little else, Donald J. Trump – who just celebrated his 70th birthday on June 14th – making him fully eligible, and then some, for S.S. benefits – has by [...]

Parting Glances: Time Marches On. Annoyingly...

After five years of faithful, heavy-duty service, the battery in my expensive gift Shinola wristwatch just stopped on me. I should have known it was going to [...]

WWJD: Number One or Number Two?

An offshoot of concern for so-called spiritually inappropriate transgender use of restrooms is what might be best called "a biblical bowel movement," that for [...]

Parting Glances: On Your Scale of One-to-Forever!

There are many experiences that are alien to most people: walking on the moon, winning the big bucks lottery, being gashed by a grizzly bear, doing H, [...]

Parting Glances: Queer Today, Gone Tomorrow

Not too long ago while browsing a cluttered, non-LGBT Ann Arbor bookstore, I spent $20 for a used paperback: #3 of Richard Lamparski's 11 volume series [...]