
Parting Glances: Your Anal Probe, or Mine?

Our benighted Michigan Legislature has in its bedroom, busybody, biblically invasive wisdom recently diddled over wording keeping anal sex — with or without [...]

Parting Glances: Dreams, Wet and Otherwise

The mind boggling possibility of recording dreams will soon be a reality predicts a British monthly science magazine, How It's Made. The nano technology/brain [...]

Parting Glances: Private Journal, 25 Years Away?

BY CHARLES AlEXANDER JAN. 4, 2041 — Another same-sex couple has been "relocated." My neighbors two doors down. Gus who did a wonderful job of gentrifying that [...]

PARTING GLANCES: Who's Behind Our Gay Waiters?

It almost goes without saying, but the world's second oldest profession is that of the gay waiter. According to U.S. LGBT Census 2015, there are 4 million gay [...]

Parting Glances: A John by Any Other Name

SOURCE: Lone Star Police Gazette & Badge Polisher (Waco, Texas). HEADLINE: Undercover cops make Sunday surprise restroom arrests. Mark your activist, [...]

Parting Glances: Our Forgotten Transgender Hero

Tamara A. Rees is 92. She leads a quiet, uneventful, grandmotherly life with her adopted children's children somewhere in Los Angeles, California. In 1954 — [...]

Parting Glances: You Name It, Mary!

I was in the Sunday habit a few years back of taking a SMART bus to Ferndale. Riding with me were regulars, most of whom were off to church, or gave that [...]

Parting Glances: No Oz Is Good News, Toto!

If stars are auspicious — and on this glorious Night of Nights, one star shown brightest of all — there are star-crossed paths that magically switch in time, [...]

Parting Glances: Yuletide Soup Testes, Anyone?

"Freaks of nature, odd crimes, shocking deaths, devastating disasters, bloodcurdling rites, crazy conspiracies & much, much more …" Golly. Gee! Who could [...]

Parting Glances: Gay Grinching It ...

I hate to play the Gay Grinch Who Stole Christmas, but there's a movement afoot by the Southern Comfort Baptists to do away with all suspected gay references [...]

Parting Glances, AIDS: Lest We Forget, Pt. 2

Though perhaps unspoken among gay men and doctors 30 years ago when the AIDS crisis started, the presumption of a death sentence was understood. When the HIV-3 [...]

Parting Glances: AIDS, Lest We Forget (Pt. 1)

It's been over 30 years since media stories began to appear about what seemed the onset of a pandemic among gay men (and drug users). The acronym for these [...]