
Year in Review issue missed key Triangle accomplishments

Dear editor,
Thank you for this week's Year in Review issue of Between The Lines! You've done an excellent job of pulling together the highlights – and the "lowlights" – of a challenging, and sometimes exciting and promising, year. As a former BTL staff writer, I know how hard it can be to decide which stories and events are included, and which are not, when compiling such an ambitious project on deadline and with limited space.
I'm also writing to thank you for including so many of Triangle Foundation's 2006 milestones, including bringing Sean Moore on staff as our sponsorship coordinator, promoting Greg Varnum to head our youth initiatives, and the announcement of our Western Michigan office.
Given the sheer amount of material you had to compile, not to mention Triangle's impressive amount of work in 2006, I'm not surprised that you missed a few items. However, two of those accomplishments stand to have a significant impact on our community, so with your indulgence I'll mention them in this letter.
1. In August 2006 Triangle Foundation produced Camping.OUT, a summer camp for LGBT and allied youth that focused not only on traditional summer-camp-style fun, but also on leadership and activism skills. The camp was so successful that, this year, we have attracted four national supporting organizations and are offering the camp to youth nationwide.
2. In October 2006 we hired Melissa Pope to head our Anti-Violence Program. Under Melissa's direction we will be able to greatly expand the services are will be able to offer victims of anti-LGBT hate crimes, harassment and discrimination.
On a note of far less importance, Triangle also hired me in October 2006 as our organization's first director of communications.
Again, thank you for everything that you at BTL did in 2006, and will do in 2007, to keep our community alive and informed.

Dawn Wolfe
Director of communications
Triangle Foundation

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