
Creep of the Week: Tucker Carlson

Say what you want about the state of gay rights in this country, but at least we're in an age where you would never see three right-wing pundits laughing about how one of them beat up a queer as a teenager on national television.
Oh, wait. Did I say never? I meant to say "on August 28, 2007."
The spectacle took place on MSNBC Live with Dan Abrams during a talking-head threesome with Abrams, Joe Scarborough and Tucker Carlson. The topic: Larry Craig, of course.
After claiming that whether Craig is "gay or not actually is not our business" (for the record, it is, if only because of Craig's staunchly anti-gay political record), Carlson went on to say, "Having sex in a public men's room is outrageous. It's also really common. I've been bothered in men's rooms…"
This peaks Scarborough's interest. "I don't mean to take over, but have you been bothered in public restrooms, Dan? Because I know I haven't," he asks the show's host.
But Tucker has. "I've been bothered in Georgetown Park. When I was in high school," he says. "I'm not anti-gay in the slightest, but that's really common, and the gay rights groups ought to disavow that kind of crap because, you know, that actually does bother people who didn't ask for being bothered."
I'll concede this point. Being bothered when you don't want to be bothered is annoying no matter where and who you are. Just as Carlson, a straight man, would like to take a piss without being hit on, so would I, a lesbian, like to go to a mainstream dance club and not have a random guy come up and freak me from behind. And this wish does not make me "anti-[straight] in the slightest."
If I were to advocate kicking the ass of this over-zealous straight guy, however, I don't think I'd try to make such a claim. I certainly wouldn't advocate such on national television. But then, I'm not Tucker Carlson.
Carlson, Scarborough and Abrams go on to banter a bit more about Craig, making sure to bring up Clinton's sexual indiscretions (because EVERYthing has to do with Clinton's penis. It's like that six-degrees of Kevin Bacon game only it uses no degrees of separation and, instead of a B-list Hollywood actor, it's a much more famous penis). Then Scarborough brings up Carlson's Georgetown Park experience again.
"Tucker, what did you do, by the way?" asks Abrams. "What did you do when he did that? We got to know."
"I went back with someone I knew and grabbed the guy by the — you know," Carlson says (and, for the record, no, we don't know).
"And did what?" Abrams asks breathlessly.
"Hit him against the stall with his head, actually!" Carlson cackles. The three men crack up. "And then the cops came and arrested him. But let me say that I'm the least anti-gay right-winger you'll ever meet…"
Right. Of course. Much less anti-gay than, say, the right-wingers who haven't beat up a cruising queer to teach him a lesson and then bragged about it on national television.

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