
Letter: Time to take more responsibility

I am so grateful to BTL for this story! So often, the LGBT community feels that there is no support for the issues that threaten our health and quality of life. It is refreshing to know that there are people in places of authority and power who have our back. Dr. Trent is one of those individuals. He works tirelessly to address the many problems that invade our lives in addition to sexuality issues. The challenge for the LGBT community now, however, is to take more responsibility for our lives and work to bring health and celebration into our community and our individual selves. As people like Dr. Trent work to remove obstacles to care, we have to take advantage of the resources available to us. Our sexuality is no longer an excuse for us to NOT get help for drug and alcohol addictions, or health care or jobs or housing or education. Although there will always be the need for more partners and advocates, we must begin to take advantage of the support that already exists for us. Get tested. Get into substance abuse recovery. Get well and get free. The ball is in our court! Thank you BTL.

{ITAL Dr. Renee McCoy

Topics: Opinions