
Letter: Religious Prejudice

In response to John Corvino's 'After the dialogue, what?" (BTL, 5/01/2008, Issue 1618), had (Oklahoma State Rep. Sally) Kern used race, skin color or ethnic origin as her subject, I bet the rent she would be renewing her teaching certificate today and looking for a school that would hire her. The First Amendment guarantees both sides the freedom to practice their respective religious viewpoints and the marketplace in which to talk about them. However, this same First Amendment does NOT give either side permission to encode their religious viewpoints into CIVIL law. I feel this is where we miss the boat in establishing our birthright to equal treatment under judicial law, and not the ten laws of Deuteronomy.
There will always be a bible verse to trump the opposing bible verse resulting in a version of ping-pong skirmishes with Jesus as the referee. Its odd that our suppressors are either afraid to be in the same room with us, fearing for their own bodily integrity, keeping their knees close together or they dismiss us as dippy airheads, frivolous and irresponsible. How can we be both at the same time? Their response shows more about the fiction in their minds then about the truth of our lives. Until we get out of the religious justification business the more we will be dragged into its historical quagmire. Our LGBT equality will have to be established in the legislatures and the courthouses in all fifty states without religious prejudice tipping the scales of justice.

James Nimmo
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

The Gay Moralist: After dialogue, what?
by John Corvino
Originally printed 05/01/2008 (Issue 1618 – Between The Lines News)

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