
Creep of the Week: Steve Hotze

It should come as no surprise that the Conservative Republicans of Texas isn't exactly celebrating last month's California Supreme Court decision in favor of same-sex couples marrying.
What does come as some surprise is how scared of it they seem to be, judging from Conservative Republicans of Texas President Steve Hotze's reaction.
On May 28, Hotze posted a letter on Vision America, a political site for conservative Christians. His ramblings are so hysterical they almost read as a parody of a right-wing conservative reacting to "gay marriage." Except he's totally serious.
"Dear Fellow Conservative," the letter begins. "Texans have it right and must stand firm!"
What do Texans have it right about? Homosexuality, of course, or at least not letting homos get married in the Lone Star State.
Just in case the "Fellow Conservative" being addressed by Hotze doesn't quite know what homosexuality is, Hotze is kind enough to define it for them. "Homosexuality is a conduct, a lifestyle," Hotze writes. "Homosexuality is a willful choice made by an individual to commit a sexual act with another person of the same sex."
Wow, that's a pretty limited definition. But let me see if I'm getting this straight: if homosexuality is "a willful choice made by an individual to commit a sexual act with another person of the same sex" and John gives his straight married friend Joe a hand job in a bar parking lot after a night of too much drinking, then John and Joe are homosexual?
Let's hope Hotze doesn't write SAT questions.
Of course, he must define homosexuality in this limited way to focus on sex acts and not actual people. After all, it's easy to hate gay sex if you're so inclined. It's a lot harder to hate your gay brother, daughter, friend or neighbor.
The anti-gay right would much prefer that homosexuality be seen as something bad that bad people do, like littering or murder, and not something biological that actual people are, like left handed or tall.
"Do we give adulterers a minority status? How about men who visit topless bars or prostitutes? What about pedophiles or those who perform bestiality? What about cross dressers? It seems absurd to think that any group of people should be elevated to a minority status based upon their participation in sexual activities," he writes.
Alas, Hotze laments, discrimination against gays is being banned. "What if you do not approve of a person's sexual orientation?" he writes. "Why should you be deprived of your discretion on whether or not to work with or hire that person?"
Because if Hotze isn't afforded his God given right to discriminate, the obvious conclusion is that gays will mandate that everyone be gay starting, of course, with the children. "They want homosexuality taught to our children as an acceptable and even preferential lifestyle," he writes. "This will make it easier for homosexuals to recruit sexually confused adolescents into their lifestyle."
And after all the kiddies in the land are gay, gays will force all Texans to gay marry each other. "If marriage is redefined," Hotze warns, "then the liberal courts will impose acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle upon the rest of us."
(Confidential to Hotze: Boo!)

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