
Voting? Who cares.

Dear Jody

Q: I know that this is politically incorrect, but I just want to say I am already so tired of the brouhaha about the elections coming up this November. My friends are all pretty involved in the Democratic Party and think I should be too. They constantly want me to help out at some event, have a house party, lick envelopes, you name it. I tell them I am not interested, and they seem to think I am a horrible, evil person. I also don't think it is a big deal that a black person and a woman are running. It doesn't seem to me that it matters much who is in office, at least in my life. I don't really notice any difference. How do I get them to understand that even though I don't think this is important, I am not a bad person, and they should respect my feelings and leave me alone?
Leave Me Alone

A: Wow! As I sit here watching the Democratic Convention, reading your e-mail, and seeing that we have a democratic nominee that is a minority, and that a woman was a serious contender, I feel privileged to witness such positive history being made before my eyes. So many minority people and women have worked hard, suffered abuse, and died just so a time like this could happen.
In addition, I can't imagine that anyone would think that the elections are not important. I believe it is extremely important that we are all involved in the election, at least to the extent that we understand who is running and what they stand for. I also believe that, as an American citizen, we should vote. But I do agree that if you don't want to become involved in the election, it doesn't make you a bad person.
This gives me that opportunity to encourage everyone out there to register to vote, if you haven't already, and to make sure you vote on Election Day. We need to be concerned not only for the presidential election but also for those we send to the legislature, our governor, mayors, along with school board member, etc. I disagree with the writer that they don't make a difference in our lives; in fact, they make a huge difference. Ask those of us who are now fighting in Iraq; ask those of us don't have health insurance; ask those of us who don't have the right to marry or adopt a child. As part of the LGBT community and a citizen of this country, we need to make our voices heard.
Oct. 6, 2008 is the last day to register for November 2008 general election. You can register to vote for federal, state, and local elections by mail; at your county, city, or township clerk's office; or by visiting any Secretary of State branch office.
In addition, the following state agencies offer voter registration services to their clients: Department of Human Services, the Department of Community Health and the Department of Career Development. Military recruitment centers also provide voter registration services.
For more information, visit

Mr. Right, where are you?

Q: I am a 32-year-old, gay male. I have – and still do – date a lot, which has been a lot of fun. Up until now. What has changed is that I am looking for the love of my life. I want to settle down and have a serious relationship. The problem is that there is no one out there that is a perfect match for me. I guess I am looking for the perfect man and it scares me to think of settling down with someone I know is not exactly right for me. How do I go about meeting this person and how do I know when I find him?

Looking for Mr. Right

A: You said you were looking for the love of your life, then that you were looking for the perfect match – not exactly the same thing. As long as you continue looking for someone who is a perfect match, you will be disappointed as that man doesn't exist – and you are not a perfect match for someone, either. Being in love with someone is an indescribable and unknowable formula that has little to do with "perfect." You do want to look for someone with whom you have chemistry and believe is a good match, then you both can work on making it a great match.

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