
Creep of the Week: Erik Rush

Erik Rush is totally gonna puke. As a matter of fact, he probably kept a bucket next to his desk the entire time he was writing his July 9 World Net Daily column titled "The myth of homosexual oppression." Or maybe he skipped right to the chase and wrote it in the bathroom, which would be appropriate since it's a load of shit.

Who, exactly, is making Rush so sick? Barack Obama. And the gays. And the disgusting relationship between the two.
For starters, on June 1, Obama declared June, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month. "I call upon the people of the United States to turn back discrimination and prejudice everywhere it exists," he said in a statement.
Then, to make things worse, Obama met with LGBT community leaders on June 29. It was, writes Rush, "a shameless, retch-provoking pandering session." All those gay bodies in one room so close to the President of the United States getting their homo cooties all over him: I can picture Rush heaving at the mere thought of it. Somebody get him some ginger ale and Saltine crackers, stat.
In Rush's view, gay folks wield "an inordinate amount of power in the Democrat [sic] party" and are responsible for Obama getting elected, which basically makes Obama the head of a fag puppet government. This would explain why in his first 100 days Obama legalized marriage for gays and lesbians, overturned the Defense of Marriage Act, got rid of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," and changed the National Anthem to Cher's "Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves."
The truth is, Obama is moving pretty slowly on the LGBT front, which kind of flies in the face of Rush's claim that Obama has the "perception of necessity in the show of advancing their agenda."
Oh yeah, also Obama is a magic hypnotist. "With his Svengali-like powers, perhaps he can even pull off compulsory approval of homosexuality on the part of every soul in America," writes Rush.
That's right, Mister. Who needs hearts and minds when you've got souls? "You are getting very sleepy, Sir. Now, when I clap my hands three times you will open your eyes, cluck like a chicken and go kiss your male co-worker on the mouth. And like it." Now that's what I call good government.
The worst part of all of this, according to Rush, is that gays don't even face discrimination. That word, apparently, is reserved for black people. "I have always considered those who make the comparison between blacks and gays as the worst kind of scum. Don't expect me to change my tune just because our precious first black president is making the comparison now," writes Rush, himself a black man.
Why is it so scummy to make such a comparison? Because homosexuality isn't something you're born with. And don't expect Rush to change his tune about that, either. "All the junk science in the world isn't going to alter the fact that homosexuality is a choice," he writes.
Most disgusting of all is "the fallacious premise … that homosexuals are somehow oppressed in America. They are not."
His proof? He doesn't offer any, probably because he was making himself so sick with all of this focus on gays. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go find some TUMS myself.

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