
S/he said: Prom, Stonewall and Gaga

compiled by Howard Israel

"To those who still believe that we should stay out of the cultural war, I have a question: How is that working out for you? We now have two generations who are lost in the lies of humanism, evolution and homosexuality, facilitated into fornication and abortion, trapped in pornography and devastated by divorce. If you're still having a hard time discerning what to do, here's a helpful hint: If you find yourself on the same side as the ACLU, homosexual activists, the baby killers and the enemies of God, chances are, you're on the wrong side."
– Janet Porter, president of Faith2Action, a arch-conservative Christian organization, in a column criticizing liberal Christians, WorldNetDaily, June 8.

"It's a really big step for Hudson but also for the gay community in general. To have this happen in our city is pretty exciting. First of all, it's Hudson High School. For me to win king was crazy. For Timmy to win queen was insane. We both researched it online and never found any story of two gay guys winning both king and queen."
– Charlie Ferrusi and Timmy Howard, openly gay best friends and seniors at Hudson High School in New York, made history when they were named prom king and queen in a landslide vote, Hudson-Catskill Newspapers,, June 9. Ferrusi and Howard will be on a float in Hudson's first-ever gay pride parade on June 20.

"The younger generation should know about Stonewall so that they will realize it is possible to make change. It is possible to overcome entrenched, institutionalized prejudice, discrimination and bigotry. And that they can live full equal lives."
– Frank Kameny, founding father of the modern gay-rights movement, in an column celebrating the anniversary of the Stonewall rebellion titled "LGBT Leaders Age 50+: What Does Stonewall Mean to You?,", May 20.

"Normal, healthy, functional heterosexuals do not become paranoid or fixated on homosexuals. It is primarily people with sexual hang-ups, extreme religious indoctrination or deep, dark secrets that are preoccupied and consumed by the sexual orientation of others."
– Wayne Besen, in his column titled "The Tipping Point on LGBT Equality Has Arrived," about the growing trend towards acceptance of LGBT people,, June 7.

"As Freud might have said but didn't, sometimes a gay-hating cigar is just a homophobic cigar."
– Simon Sheppard, in his column titled "No, They're Not ALL Gay," about anti-gay demagogues and raging homophobes who do not have a hidden homo side,, June 6.

"What do mommies and daddies say to their 7-year-old child? My biggest concern are the families."
– Rep. Ike Skelton, (D-Mo.) one of the 26 Democrats who opposed repeal of "Don't Ask Don't Tell" in the House, Associated Press, June 8.

"It's a celebration and an admiration of gay love. It confesses my envy of the courage and bravery they require to be together. I've been unable to find that with a straight man in my life. In the video I'm pining for the love of my gay friends – but they just don't want me."
– Lady GaGa, about the meaning of her new video titled "Alejandro,", June 1.

"The patriotic atmosphere that has pervaded the country has increased the power of right-wing groups. Therefore, I am not certain what will happen when the exhibition opens. Here the battle for equal rights for homosexuals continues."
– Pawel Leszkowicz, curator of "Ars Homo Erotica," an exhibition of homoerotic imagery from antiquity to the present, at The National Museum in Warsaw,, June issue 2010. The exhibition aims to chip away at prejudices against sexual minorities in Poland.

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