
S/he said: Homophobia, Iceland and Eminem

compiled by Howard Israel

"I think if two people love each other, then what the hell? I think that everyone should have the chance to be equally miserable, if they want."
– Rapper Eminem, in an interview titled "The Real Marshall Mathers," asked if he would like to see gay marriage in Michigan,, June 14.

"It is extremely encouraging that 22 out of the 25 largest participants in this year's study had diversity and inclusion programs in all of the countries in which they operate, and even more impressive is that the same number included LGBT issues in their global diversity program. This is very exciting and demonstrates how business can contribute to the LGBT community globally."
– David Pollard, International Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, in a press release announcing the second edition of the International Business Equality Index,, June 10.

"Homophobia is a fear inculcated largely by religious forces in society that are undeservedly given credibility as having the right to take the moral high ground when dealing with love and sex but, ironically, not given that same level of credibility when dealing with poverty and war. This very phenomenon shows both the selectivity used when adhering to religious sentiments, as well as the intensity of the unconscious (and sometimes conscious) drives that create and exacerbate homophobia, as well as the role that religion itself plays, and is allowed to play, in facilitating homophobia and its expression.
– Rev. Dr. Jerry S. Maneker, in his column titled "The Psychological and Social Roots and Payoffs of Homophobia,", June 3.

"Transgender Americans face extreme danger when traveling abroad in the many countries that are hostile to them. Adoption of this safety-focused policy is a giant step forward in protecting transgender Americans abroad, and in fulfilling the State Department's commitment to protect all Americans when they travel, work or live overseas."
– Michael D. Silverman, executive director of Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund, about new policy guidelines allowing transgender Americans to change their gender on their passports,, June 10.

"Network television is on a pro-homosexuality bender. The producers of 'American Idol' chose to be a part of this push; it was a huge mistake. The consequences were a drop in market share and a reduction in advertising dollars … driving away a significant market share of parents and teens who used to watch the show together, until mom and dad decided that the subtle promotion of an 'alternate lifestyle' to their kids was not worth the entertainment trade off. Sorry Ellen, you're just not worth it."
– Gary McCullough, director of Christian Newswire, in a column titled "DeGeneres Hurt American Idol – I Told You So,", May 24.

"The attitude in Iceland is fairly pragmatic. It (gay marriage) has not been a big issue in national politics – it's not been controversial."
– Gunnar Helgi Kristinsson, a political scientist at the University of Iceland, in an article titled "Iceland passes gay marriage law in unanimous vote,", June 11.

"If you don't project it, if you don't advertise it, how would anyone know to discriminate against you? And that's at the basis of this. So if people wear their sexuality on their sleeve and then they want to bring litigation against someone that they would point their finger at and say 'you discriminate,' it is an entrapment that is legalized by the ENDA Act."
– Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), during a radio conversation with Tony Perkins, president of Family Research Council, about the Employment Non-Discrimination Act,, May 11.

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