
S/he said: Androgyny, bisexuality and Father's Day

compiled by Howard Israel

"Coming out as bisexual is a safe thing for a woman to do. For a woman to say she is bisexual today brings about as much stigma as saying she had braces as a child. Society has changed."
– Michael Levine, Hollywood publicist and media expert, in an article titled "Is Coming Out as a Bisexual in Hollywood Safer Than Just Saying You're Gay?,", June 24.

"Sometimes female celebrities say they are 'bisexual' as a way to get attention, not because they are really lesbians looking for a safe way to come out. Women know that men fantasize about seeing two women becoming sexual together, so claiming to be bisexual brings female celebs instant buzz."
– Carole Lieberman, psychiatrist, in an article titled "Is Coming Out as a Bisexual in Hollywood Safer Than Just Saying You're Gay?,", June 24.

"Gay marriage advocates believe there isn't any difference between two men in a sexual union and a husband and wife, and those of us who see this difference are blinded by hatred and prejudice. They delegitimize opponents, brand us as haters, and then try to strip us of our rights."
– Maggie Gallagher, founder, National Organization for Marriage, in a column titled "The Core Civil Right to Vote for Marriage," about the closing arguments in the federal trial over Proposition 8,, June 16.

"An androgynous fashion style has begun to gain traction in China's large cities. It's classified as 'Zhongxing Style' and is adopted by 'tomboy' girls seeking to express both their coming of age and alternative lifestyle through their gender-blurring clothing and fashion sense. … The style lacks any defined sexual characteristics such as homosexuality, though 'Zhongxing' girls are often seen with an overly feminine female companion. … Experimenting with gender roles symbolizes the space and the room to explore who you are or who you want to be."
– In an article "Zhongxing: China's Avantgarde Androgyny,", June 9.

"HIV is associated with promiscuity; it's associated with drugs. That kind of mental slavery around the issue continues to prevent our community from discussing this openly, from being tested, from being educated, so it's really symbolic to say that my ride is trying to find freedom from that shame, freedom from that stigma, freedom from homophobia to a place where we can openly and freely discuss the issue of HIV."
– Khafre Abif, in an article titled "Freedom Rider," about his bike ride along the Underground Railroad to bring attention to the effects that HIV-related stigma is having on black Americans,, May/June 2010 issue.

"Virtually all Americans have the common sense to recognize that children need both a mother and a father. Rudimentary biology tells us it's impossible for a child to have two fathers. But here we have the leader of our nation and the Democrat Party celebrating sexual behavior which is contrary to nature and pushing a household structure that we know is harmful to children. This is a sad day for the American family."
– Tim Wildmon, president of the American Family Association, about President Obama's Father's Day proclamation which included recognition of "two fathers" as a form of family,, June 21.

"There is no question that the efforts of advocacy groups in the LGBTI communities and their allies have resulted in significant progress in reducing discrimination and abuse. But, each individual's 'GPS location' on the sexuality spectrum truly only reflects 'where they are' today, and needn't automatically invalidate previous relationships as being less than honest or heartfelt."
– Yolanda Reid Chassiakos, Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, in her column titled "Post-Label Sexuality: The Time Has Come,", June 13.

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