
S/he said: Bullying, GOProud and Rev. James Stoll

Compiled by Howard Israel

"If the current society wants to outlaw discrimination by sex, you have legislatures … the same is true of discrimination against gays and lesbians. Nobody thought it was directed against sex discrimination. The idea that it is constitutionally forbidden is a modern invention."
– Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, in a speech at a California law school, about the 14th Amendment's guarantee of equal protection not applying to sex or sexual orientation discrimination, San Francisco Chronicle, Sept. 18.

"All faggots must die"
– A comment posted by "Jimmy" on the Joe.My.God blog entry about the failure to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, traced by its IP address to computers in the Atlanta office of anti-gay Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.),, Sept. 21.

"Focus on the Family, a right-wing lobbying group that fronts as a religious organization, pays lip service to the bullying issue, but wants no mention of homosexuality in schools because it might encourage kids to be gay – this, in spite of the fact that the vast majority of bullying is directed at teens who either appear to be gay or are actually out, not those who are fat or wear glasses."
– Jim David, in his column titled "How Many Teens Have to Die Before Focus on the Family Gives a Damn?,", Sept. 15.

"Did any of you Log Cabin Republicans vote for Obama? Didn't think so. Chances are, there are many gay Republicans who voted for representatives that served their economic interests and not their equality interests. Many of them likely voted for Republicans who opposed Obama in his push to repeal DADT. If you wanted Obama to be more progressive on gay rights, you should have helped him win more support in Congress and the Senate. It's an easy equation."
– Emma Ruby-Sachs, in her column titled "DADT Win Can't Save Log Cabin Republicans,", Sept. 10.

"If the revolution we're in means anything, it means we have the right to be ourselves, without shame or fear."
– Rev. James Stoll, a Unitarian Universalist (1936-1994), at a 1969 Unitarian conference, quoted in an article titled "Haunted Man of the Cloth and Pioneer of Gay Rights," about Stoll's life, one of the first openly gay ministers in America,, Sept. 18.

"What we're seeing is that gay rights are not the wedge issues they used to be. Republicans can't use this as a wedge issue anymore. I think it's much more of a permanent shift. A lot of people think it's a generational issue, and this is just how it's going to be from now on."
– Paul Guequierre, Human Rights Campaign spokesman, in an article titled "Will Obama's Paralysis on Gay Rights Issues Worsen the Enthusiasm Gap in November?,", Sept. 9.

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