
She/He Said: Shirvell, Suicide contagion, Dems are heartbreak

compiled by Howard Israel

"Shirvell used religion and the constitution to defend his bullying. Is there any doubt that some nutty fundamentalist organizations will use this incident to falsely claim that the goal of the LGBT movement is to persecute Christians and criminalize Christianity? I suppose such claims would be true if one defines Christianity as the right for grown men to pursue college students at their home and haunt them at ungodly hours. Let's be clear: Shirvell is not a martyr, but a menace to society."
– Wayne Besen, in his column titled "Anti-Gay Nutjob Finally Loses Job After Stalking Gay Student Body President," about Andrew Shirvell, former Michigan Assistant Attorney General,, Nov. 8.

"Nascar has more fans who are accepting of me being gay than gays have been accepting of me being a Nascar fan. I'm not there to ask drivers about what they think about gay marriage. I'm there to ask them about racing."
-Michael Myers, creator of, an online site for gay Nascar and car racing fans, in an article titled "A Gay Nascar Fan Is Finding a Growing Audience Online,", Nov. 13.

"Based on my read of the scientific literature, gay youth are rather ordinary adolescents and young adults. Yes, some are at-risk, but these clinically fragile youth exist in the same proportion and to the same degree among heterosexual youth. As a clinician, I'm worried about the 'message' we're giving to gay youth. I'm worried about suicide contagion (publicizing gay youth suicide may provoke similar behavior among vulnerable youth). I'm worried about our inability to understand their lives. I'm worried about adult tendencies to insert our life experiences onto those of youth. Just because we had a difficult gay adolescence does not mean that today's gay youth experience the same pain."
-Ritch Savin-Williams, Ph.D., Professor of Developmental Psychology and Director of the Sex & Gender Lab, Cornell University, in his column titled "The Gay Kids Are All Right,", Nov. 11.

"Fathers who love their gay sons need to understand the unique role they play in their son's self-esteem and future relationships. Certainly all fathers need to show that they love their sons and daughters, but fathers of gay sons need to find ways to surmount the barrier of homophobia and socially scripted queasiness about gay sex to show their sons that they are indeed lovable and deserve the love of a good man."
-Michael LaSala, in his blog titled "Gay Men and Their Fathers: Hurt and Healing," about the complicated important relationship between gay sons and their father,, Sept. 13.

"Your average Democrat doesn't represent my beliefs. Most Democrats don't support full marriage equality, the unequivocal repeal of DADT, the inclusion of LGB and T folks in the civil rights bills, completely universal health care, stronger, larger government enterprises regulating more business and industry, free higher education, publicly subsidized political campaigns, etc. They simply don't support those causes. Occasionally Democrat X or Y might support one or two of these, but never more than that. Why should I accept that my representative only represents a tiny, tiny portion of what I believe in?"
-Dickie, in his blog titled "I Don't Like Voting For You Because You Always Break My Heart,", Nov. 8.

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