
Heard on Facebook: What to make of Obama's support of civil unions - but not gay marriage?

Typical Democrat lip service to a constituency that votes for them. Only when there is competition between the two parties can we expect any progress on LGBT issues.
-Jason Abela

Whether it's called by a secular name (Civil Unions) or a religious name (Marriage) it's totally irrelevant to me if the legal rights and responsibilities are identical. If he supports the legalization of federal spousal rights he can call it a rutabaga for all I care.
– Alex Hardesty

So Ricky Gervais made a gay joke on the Golden Globes. Did he go too far?

It wasn't a funny joke.. that is the insulting part! After all, if you're going to bash a group of people.. At least make the joke funny!
– Daniel Eckenrode

The only thing that went too far is the media making up false drama about his performance. Fact: awards shows are boring, people want to be entertained and made to laugh, and he was hilarious. I'm sure many people only tuned in to see him. Bring in a more conservative host next year and watch the ratings fall.
– Fred Huebener

I don't see how it's offensive. It's a joke. If you take it as more than such then you're taking it too seriously. He was obviously suggesting that Tom Cruise, a practicing scientologist and quite a flamboyant guy, is gay and pretending to be straight. That was the joke. No need to whine about it.
– Jay Topham

I thought it was pretty funny.
– Karen Affinito

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