
What do you think of Ferndale planning its own pride events on the same weekend as Motor City Pride in Detroit?

I can understand wanting to hold on to fond experiences. The current planned events don't conflict with the events in Detroit. I am very fond of Ferndale's community, but I would still like to see them hold an event on a different weekend, so we can support both events.
– Sarah Gesch

I am all for this. Pride should have never left Ferndale. I don't think this was done out of spite. I think this was done because I know many people, like myself, do not feel safe having Pride in Detroit.
– Jaclyn Teno

This is clearly a swipe against Pride moving to Detroit. I am organizing a boycott against any business that supports this farce.
– Steven P. Schonfeld

I'm not for or against the move to Detroit. It is what it is and I'll support it. However, this additional set of events is just going to divide our community and split the support. Can't we all just work together?
– Diane Nothaft

I am glad Ferndale has planned to organize events, however I cannot help but feel that his action is not about supporting a unified and cohesive regional Pride, but instead is a stunt for Covey, and a move at further splintering an already divided community, region, and organization structure.
– Nick Piotrowski

I would be glad to go to Ferndale during any other weekend for another festival, but doing it that weekend, it's just sad! Pride is about bringing EVERYONE together to CELEBRATE, it shouldn't be torn into two festivals the SAME weekend! I for one won't be in Ferndale that weekend! Whoever's idea this was is not about what Pride really means!
– Jim Truszkowski

I agree wholeheartedly with Jim. Motor City Pride is doing a great thing in trying to grow. There is no way that it will become a destination Pride event by staying in Ferndale.
– Melinda Graczyk

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