
A cemetery in Atlanta is planning a special section for LGBT couples, reports The Advocate. Should every state have gay cemeteries?

Will people have to change the wording of their eulogies from "ashes to ashes, dust to dust" to "mascara to mascara, glitter to glitter"?
-Joseph Waldman

Well, segregation led to peace between blacks and whites, right?
-Scott Francis Longpre

Stupid. Everyone knows sodomites and sinners are buried outside the cemetery.
-Todd Te Adoro Erickson

Don't the left-handed deserve a section too?
-Steve Duerksen

Well, those lefthanders, they're just depraved weirdoes and should be burned at a crossroads at midnight.
-Joseph Waldman

How stupid. Maybe everyone should have to fill out a questionnaire (before they die) stating exactly who and what their "neighbors" can be. And then get relocated if/when late-breaking facts come "out."
-Steve Duerksen

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