
In an interview with David Gregory, Santorum claimed no proof exists that he wants to impose his own values on other Americans. Have you found any proof?

Heard on Facebook

He cleverly confuses the "right to bring your faith to the public square" (which is hard to object to), with some imagined right to impose someone's beliefs on others through laws.
-Steve Duerksen

You know, it doesn't take a scientist to see he prides himself on his anti-gay views. I mean I'm only 18 and I already know that he dislikes the LGBT community with a passion and wants to do away with contraceptives because its "inhuman."
-Ram Gigantone

Santorum is a joke.
-Michelle Fox-Phillips

You can't expect a sociopath to admit to be being caught in his own lies.
-Anthony Boussie

I watched the interview this morning and was pleasantly surprised that David Gregory actually developed a backbone and stood up to Santorum, calling him out on his bullshit. George Stephanopolous tried also on "This Week", but just didn't seem to have the same strengths when calling out Santorum on his most recent statements.
-Barry Farrington

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