
S/he Said: Richard Grenell's resignation

Compiled by Howard Israel

"If you came to earth from another planet as the proverbial 'visitor from Mars' and tried to figure out what most religions all seem agree on and care about most you'd conclude that it was about keeping women down and bashing gays. Between the Roman Catholic anti-contraception, anti-gay marriage bishops, the Islamic fundamentalists mutilating their daughters and the American evangelicals trying to force women to have children they don't want (and trying to force Romney to join the religious right) our visitor from Mars will fly home with the news that religion of the bishops, pope, Islamists, and evangelicals is really a misogyny/homophobic cult. He might also report that this cult of hate and fear is also a practitioner of politics masquerading as religion."
-Frank Schaeffer, author, in his column titled "Richard Grenell, Romney and the (Religious) Politics of Hate," connecting the Romney campaign's quietly appeasing anti-gay religious bigots with the concentrated efforts of religious leaders to oppress women, children and gay people,, May 3
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"The fact that Grenell is gone so quickly after a right-wing uproar is a troubling harbinger of the kind of power that anti-gay forces would have in a Romney White House."
-Joe Solmonese, president, Human Rights Campaign, about the speedy resignation of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's openly gay foreign policy advisor, Richard Grenell, just two weeks after the campaign announced his role, after the vicious reaction of anti-gay religious conservatives to the Romney campaign's hiring of an openly gay man,, May 2.
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"I have decided to resign from the Romney campaign as the Foreign Policy and National Security Spokesman. While I welcomed the challenge to confront President Obama's foreign policy failures and weak leadership on the world stage, my ability to speak clearly and forcefully on the issues has been greatly diminished by the hyper-partisan discussion of personal issues that sometimes comes from a presidential campaign. I want to thank Governor Romney for his belief in me and my abilities and his clear message to me that being openly gay was a non-issue for him and his team."
-Richard Grenell in a statement obtained by Right Turn, regarding his resignation as Mitt Romney's openly gay foreign policy advisor,, May 1.
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"It seems pretty plain that, whatever fine record he compiled in the Bush administration, Grenell is more passionate about same-sex marriage than anything else. So here's a thought experiment. Suppose Barack Obama comes out — as Grenell wishes he would — in favor of same-sex marriage in his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention. How fast and how publicly will Richard Grenell decamp from Romney to Obama?"
-Matthew J. Frank, Director of the William E. and Carol G. Simon Center on Religion, in a column titled "Re: By All Means, Let's Worry About Richard Grenell,", April 27
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