
Were any of you at the capitol steps this week? What do you think they're saying about Michigan in other states?

Heard on Facebook

Right now we can't say anything because we can't catch our breath from laughing at you.
-Joseph Franco

I sincerely hope you mean that you are laughing at Eve Ensler's witty repertoire because the legislation that this hoopla is over is no laughing matter. Anyone with an ounce of feminism ought to be thoroughly and rightfully angry as hell.
-Amanda Reames

We figured about 5,000 people, the official said 2,500. Still, it's about fascism and silencing women. Abortion is the political tool and my sign says: "Want a Vagina? Grow One! Don't Take Mine!"
-Paula Jellis

The bills about which Reps. Brown and Byrum were censored don't protect women's health. Their intent is to close abortion clinics and reduce access to reproductive health care. Right to Life and the Catholic Conference care more about non-viable fetuses than they do about women's health. They are the last groups that anyone should believe concerning preserving women's health. Access to reproductive health services is under severe assault by these two organizations and their allies in the Michigan Legislature. That one religious viewpoint on this issue should be forced on all of us through a clinic harassment bill like HB 5711 is inconsistent with the founding principles of this country.
-Mary Pollock

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