
Chick-Fil-A, Jim Henson and Huckabee

S/he Said

"I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, "We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage." I pray God's mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to define what marriage is about."
-Dan Cathy, president and chief operating officer of Chick-Fil-A, speaking on "The Ken Coleman Show" about his opinion on same-sex marriage,, July 18
Read the full article here

"On the one hand, you could argue leaders of businesses, particularly private, family-owned ones, should be able to speak their minds. But when a business leader elects to take a public and vocal position on a hot-button political issue in an election year, he or she also risks losing the support of many of its customers."
-Jena McGregor, in her blog titled "Post Leadership," in a post titled "Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy bites into gay-marriage debate," responding to Dan Cathy's public statements on same-sex marriage,, July 19
Read the full article here

"The Jim Henson Company has celebrated and embraced diversity and inclusiveness for over fifty years and we have notified Chick-Fil-A that we do not wish to partner with them on any future endeavors. Lisa Henson, our CEO is personally a strong supporter of gay marriage and has directed us to donate the payment we received from Chick-Fil-A to GLAAD."
-The Jim Henson Company staff, in a Facebook status update responding to Dan Cathy's stance on same-sex marriage,, July 20
See the status update here

"I have been incensed at the vitriolic assaults on the Chick Fil-A
company because the CEO, Dan Cathy, made comments recently in which he affirmed his view that the Biblical view of marriage should be upheld. … Too often, those on the left make corporate statements to show support for same sex marriage, abortion, or profanity, but if Christians affirm traditional values, we're considered homophobic, fundamentalists, hate-mongers, and intolerant. This effort is not being launched by the Chick Fil-A company and no one from the company or family is involved in proposing or promoting it."
-Mike Huckabee, in a Facebook status update, calling for Aug. 1 to be "Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day," in support of Dan Cathy's stance on same-sex marriage,, July 22
Read the full article here

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