
Moving Michigan Forward Nov. 6

– "All men are created equal. No matter how hard you try, you can never erase those words." – Harvey Milk

On Tuesday, citizens in Michigan will go to the polls and exercise their right to vote. To help you make an informed decision, BTL has partnered with our progressive allies to offer you a comprehensive voter guide you can take with you to the polls and share widely with friends, family and co-workers.

In our lifetime, we have seen many important changes take place for LGBT people in the United States. Nearly twenty years ago, in 1993, when BTL published its first issue, we had just completed a third march on Washington, DC. with 1.1 million people participating. The LGBT community was starting to emerge on the national scene with a united voice.

In the past two decades our community has met adversity with enormous resolve and courage. In the past 4 years we have seen what it means to have a U.S. President stand with us in spite of the far-right continuing to focus its hate upon us.

The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act; was signed into law; the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell now allows our military to openly serve when defending our country; record appointments of out leaders in government have taken place; and the Affordable Health Care Act has provided tremendous support for many Americans, including those with HIV/AIDS. And these are just the highlights for the Obama administration during its first 4 years.

In addition, this past May, the President stated his unconditional support for marriage equality, affirming our civil right to marry the person we love. We unconditionally and strongly recommend that you vote for the re-election of President Barack Obama and use our comprehensive voter guide.

In addition to reelecting President Obama, we are asking you to vote down ticket for all the races in our voter guide. PLEASE pay attention to the non-partisan area of your ballot, and support our recommendations for three key Supreme Court nominees. The Michigan Supreme Court has been anti-gay and this is an opportunity to see real change in the composition of the court for the first time in years.

Here in Michigan, LGBT people have been under extreme fire from our state government. We must make an educated vote when we choose our State House of Representatives – voting for candidates that support LGBT equality, a woman's right to choose, the right to collective bargaining and believe that climate change is real and we must act to protect our environment and implement forward thinking solutions to our energy needs while protecting our planet.

The http://MIVOTERGUIDE.COM provides you with the information you need and you can take it with you to the polls this Tuesday. Please check it out right now and share this resource with your email lists wide and far.


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