
Reflections On Motor City Pride

I remember the very first Gay Pride Parade in Detroit. There were 8 (eight) of us. Yes, that's all that would come out and march, it was 1970.
– Jesse Bateau

Now that Motor City Pride has passed, it's time for everyone to consider the drive to Lansing in August. The strongest message we can send to our lawmakers is to FLOOD Lansing with voters at Michigan Pride. Please spread the word.
– Jeffrey Fineout

I just got home from my first time at Pride. I had a great time. A little sunburned, but it was so worth it.
– Anna Ashley

Had a great time at Motor City Pride, as always. My female friends and I walked the riverfront, took the People Mover, walked from Greektown back to Hart Plaza, all without incident. LOVE having Pride on the riverfront! It's a bargain at $5. Thank you to all the volunteers!!
– Michelle Walters

Part of the reason why pride is so important, even for those of us who've been a dozen or more times before, is that it's an opportunity for those who have just come out to be in a crowd of people just like them.
– Patrick Curley

Awesome God bless all the gay people all over the world. My favorite cousin Timothy John Fox would of been 61 in May this year. He died of AIDS in 2007.
– Lisa Edwards
