
Reactions To The Pope's Gay Lobby

"You wouldn't last a minute on K Street; the Karl Roves of the capital would have you for lunch. Despite your presence in, and presumed influence on, the upper reaches of the Roman Catholic hierarchy, church teaching still holds that homosexuality is disordered, and many church leaders still send the preposterously mixed message that while gay and lesbian people shouldn't be admonished for, or ashamed about, their same-sex attractions, they should nonetheless elect cold showers over warm embraces. Look but don't touch. Dream but don't diddle."
Frank Bruni, New York Times Columnist

"It's no secret … A gay lobby means that you've got a nest of homosexual priests who are covering for each other. The gay lobby needs to be rooted out and hopefully [Pope Francis] follows the footsteps of Pope Benedict in doing exactly that."
Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights

"If we want Catholicism to be identified as a hostile institution by four out of five LGBT people, and by many of those who support us, then let the bishops continue to own 'Catholic, Inc.'"
Marianne T. Duddy-Burke, Dignity USA Executive Director

"The embarrassed silence of the Curia shows that the Pope's words are true. This lobby which is talked about evidently has existed for a while, though I believe it to be composed by mid-level characters of the Roman Curia itself."
Gian Franco Svidercoschi, former vice-director of [Holy See daily] L'Osservatore Romano

"I am so tired of this nonsense. Firstly to banish gay men from the priesthood is ridiculous. I know many holy homosexual priests who are orthodox and defend the true end of sexuality. I imagine that there are many straight priests who support this lobby. This is becoming an obsession."
Jonathan Lee Ching

"How I like this new Pope! He, as any intelligent and sensible Catholic, knows full well how many clergy are gay and how ridiculous it is to try to ignore or deny that.
Hooray for Francis! Better (many many many centuries) late than never! The Catholic Church is one of many institutions that would not exist were it not for gays!"
Nick from Baton Rouge, LA
"Wow. This is truly groundbreaking and appears to have the potential to bring great positive change to a deeply dated institution. If Pope Frankie keeps this up maybe I'll be tempted to come back to the Church! Not holding my breath but the pope's words seem to be truly unprecedented."
Anonymous from New York City
