
Republican Leaders Chastise Agema, But He Remains Defiant

"For the good of the party, we believe Dave Agema should resign."
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and Michigan GOP Chairman Bobby Schostak, in a joint statement released Jan. 24

"Republicans must move on and make it clear through word and deed that Mr. Agema does not represent us. We are focused on growing our coalition so that we may win for our ideas of freedom, opportunity and limited government."
Betsy DeVos, former Michigan Republican Party Chair

"I think what is best for the party, and is best for Dave, is that he resigns."
Terri Lynn Land Jan. 24. Land is Agema's RNC co-representative from Michigan, Michigan's Secretary of State and the presumptive Republican U.S. Senate candidate in 2014.

"It is important that we have passionate and respectful debate and discussion on a variety of issues, measured by the strength of our persuasiveness, not the shrillness of our voice."
Republican Attorney General Bill Schuette, who was the first statewide elected official to call for Agema to step down Jan. 24.

"Sadly, it has become common for those with positions of responsibility in the public square to drive derision rather than promote tolerance and civility. In all things political, in present times, there must be a renewed focus on charity."
Michigan Catholic Conference in a Jan. 24 statement

"(As a U.S. Air Force pilot) I was prepared to die to defend our Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, and my opinion is we have domestic enemies at this present time. We're starting to become what I used to fight against."
Dave Agema, Jan. 27 at GOP fundraiser in Grand Rapids
