
100 Pastors Plan Marriage Protest March 3

UPDATE: By 8:30 there was expected to be as many as 200 Baptist ministers outside protesting at the DeBoer trial. Instead, only a handful of protesters against marriage equality came out. There were also about 50 people in support of the DeBoer family.

DETROIT – Monday morning at the federal courthouse in Detroit, 100 pastors plan on holding a "protest with praise" against same-sex marriage.
Charisma News reports that the pastors believe "their voting rights" are being threatened. At a press conference held last week at First Baptist World Changes International Church they said, "We are calling on Christians, wherever you are, to come to Detroit and stand with us for righteousness and freedom."
Minister Stacy Swimp, founder of Revive Alive in Flint said, "Our presence will serve as a reminder to Judge Friedman that it is his God-given responsibility to uphold God's rights and protect the institution of marriage between one man and one woman, which God created and blessed."
The DeBoer v Snyder litigation began in 2012, when April DeBoer and her partner, Jayne Rowse, sought to legally adopt their children. Michigan law prevents same-sex couples from obtaining second-parent adoptions and also prohibits same-sex couples like DeBoer and Rowse from getting married. After initial proceedings in the case, U.S. District Court Judge Bernard Friedman determined it was necessary to hear arguments on the underlying issue of Michigan's marriage ban. Those arguments began last Tuesday and will likely continue through the rest of this week.
On Monday morning at approximately 8:45 a.m. the DeBoers and their attorneys will also hold a rally on the steps of the courthouse where they will be receiving a check to help with the costs of the trial. The check will be presented by organizers of the recent Equality Cabaret in Ann Arbor.
The Theodore Levin U.S. Courthouse is located at 231 W. Lafayette Blvd. in Detroit.
For additional information, please see

A rally in support of same-sex marriage and the DeBoer-Rowse family is also planned for Monday morning.


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