
Hoadley To Seek LGBT Support At May 3 Detroit Fundraiser

DETROIT – Jon Hoadley is one of the most effective LGBT activists in Michigan. Now he is running for a seat in the Michigan House of Representatives, and he will be asking for the financial support of LGBT people at a May 3 fundraiser in Detroit.
Hoadley is the leader of Unity Michigan, a coalition of LGBT groups, and he has led Unity in a successful project to get local ordinances passed at city and municipal levels. To date, over 30 cities have passed non-discrimination ordinances, most of them within the past two years. He is the former executive director of the national Stonewall Democrats in Washington D.C. and is the principle of Badlands Strategies, a highly respected political consulting company in Kalamazoo.
Hoadley, originally from South Dakota, first came to Michigan in 2004 to help on the campaign that tried to defeat Michigan's anti-marriage constitutional amendment. He later settled in Kalamazoo where he worked on that city's successful 2009 campaign to pass a non-discrimination ordinance.
If elected, he will be only the third openly gay member of Michigan's legislature to ever serve, and the only one currently in office.
The May 3 fundraiser will be 5:30 to 7:30 at the home of Mac Farr in the Indian Village section of Detroit. For more information about the event call 269-903-7881. To donate to Jon Hoadley's campaign go to
