
As Heard On Facebook

As LGBT people across the country, and especially in Michigan, wait to learn if the U.S. Supreme Court will hear the remaining same-sex marriage cases, people have taken to Facebook to express their frustrations – and their hope.

"They are just wasting time they shouldn't have to meet to decide to hear a case, they should be just hearing the case and quit denying basic human rights and treating gays and lesbians as second class citizens in some states. They sure have no problem taking their tax dollars to pay their wages. So tired of this crap."

"I've never even understood why this was an issue. The only opposing argument is religion-based and we have a separation of church and state. Case closed. This is the least grey-area law out there!"

"I hope that the decision will be the correct one – marriage equality for all!!!"

"I want them to turn it down as god did."

"To cite God as a precedent for denying marriage rights to a loving, committed homosexual couple is not valid in this country. We're free to practice religion as we choose. Therefore, we can not use the laws of one religious sect to govern our land."

"The biggest entities backing the bans on gay marriage happen to be religion based business. Think how much the Mormon church put into getting Prop 8 passed in California and then through even more money away trying to defend it."

"I am optimistic. I think they will overturn the ban if only because it won't cost the super wealthy people and corporations anything, and they will have other cases that potentially will take money away from the 1 percent. They need to throw us a bone every now and then."

"Michigan's marriage amendment, even though passed by a majority of those voting, is unconstitutional under federal law. The fact that the amendment includes not only marriage, but civil unions or any other similar relationship points clearly to animus, not just religious beliefs about marriage, which is a civil institution not requiring children. As mothers of 4 adult children and four grandchildren, my partner of 15 years and I are past our childbearing years but would still like to be able to have our relationship recognized the same as our legally married children, as would our kids. The DeBoer case, the only one with a trial, is the strongest case to come before SCOTUS on this issue, so I certainly hope it is one of the ones the court chooses to hear. I sat in court watching the trial every day of those 2 weeks. The evidence against Michigan's marriage amendment was overwhelming. The state's case was frankly an embarrassment and waste of taxpayer dollars. I suspect the court will hear at a minimum both this case and one of the cases covering recognition of same-sex marriages performed in other states. Keeping our fingers crossed."

"What a waste of time and money. Freedom for all, race creed or sexual orientation should not even be a question in this country. To all of you who want to drag your God into this. I worry about your soul, your lack of basic Christian charity is appalling to me."


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