
Gary Glenn Apologizes For Agenda Alert

Political Hors D'oeuvres

State Rep. Gary Glenn, R-Midland, and president of the American Family Association of Michigan, has issued a formal apology to residents of his district for an "agenda alert" he issued two weeks ago. The alert was because the new editor at the Midland Daily News is — clutch those pearls — gay and married to his partner.
Following his alert, Glenn was subject to national media scrutiny, including from The Advocate. He stuck to his guns though.
Apparently that didn't work to divert attention, so he sent a letter to the Midland Daily News and apologized.
"I apologize for having publicly and unfairly prejudged Tony Lascari's ability to fairly, impartially and professionally serve as news editor of the Midland Daily News," Glenn's letter to the editor reads. The letter was published Easter Sunday. "There is no evidence in your 10 years as an MDN reporter that you have used that position to advance any personal or political agenda."
He also apologized to constituents for the "uproar" that followed and said he "thoughtlessly cut and pasted an article to Facebook…"
He concludes his attempt at a mea culpa with this lovely parting thought.
"Again, Tony, my sincere apology," he wrote. "I wish you, your staff and readers a Happy Easter, especially grateful this weekend in particular to have a Savior who died for and forgives all our transgressions."
Isn't that special?


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