
EQMI Call to Action: Contact Local Senators Today

DETROIT – Equality Michigan is asking members of the community to join the organization in opposing two anti-LGBTQ nominees for cabinet positions. The Senate Finance Committee will vote on Jan. 31 for President Trump's nomination of Rep. Tom Price to lead the Department of Health and Human Services. Also, the Senate Judiciary Committee will vote on Sen. Jeff Sessions' nomination to serve as the next attorney general.
Price has had a two-decade long political career of undermining the health and safety of LGBTQ people. He has vocally opposed non-discrimination legislation for the community and is an outspoken opponent of the Affordable Care Act and the essential protections it provides for LGBTQ individuals, particularly transgender friends and family.
Sessions has vehemently and unapologetically opposed LGBTQ equality. He supports a constitutional ban on marriage equality. He voted against the federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act and was a co-sponsor of the so-called First Amendment Defense Act, which would allow discrimination against LGBTQ people across America. He voted against both the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act and against repealing "don't ask, don't tell." This is the man President Trump wants to lead the U.S. Department of Justice.
"This will have a profound impact on the LGBTQ community," said EQMI executive director Steph White. "We know there's a lot going on right now. It can be hard for those of us fighting for full equality for the LGBTQ community to prioritize. There's so much to do."
Today, the community can start by taking the time to make two important phone calls to Michigan's U.S. Senators Gary Peters and Debbie Stabenow to ask them to vote "no" on Price and Sessions. Contact Peters at 202-224-6221 and contact Stabenow at 202-224-4822.
