
Affirmations hires executive director

FERNDALE- Affirmations community center has chosen a new exective director. Dave Garcia will take over the post as executive director on Aug. 15.
Affirmations' community-based search committee, consisting of Metro Detroit area LGBT and allied members such as Kofi Adoma, Jeff Antaya, Mark Blanke, London Bell, Caroyln Burdi Zip Johnson, Arlene Kish and Kathleen LaTosch, came to the decision after a nearly year-long search.
"It's been a long and committed process – we wanted to make sure we had the best candidate," says Zip Johnson, co-chair of the search committee and vice president of the board of directors at Affirmations. "We were very impressed with Dave and are excited to bring him to Affirmations."
"I'm excited to start this new chapter of advocacy and partnership with the LGBT and allied community throughout Michigan," Garcia said. "Affirmations has and will continue to play a key role for the LGBT community throughout our state and I am looking forward to working with those who support us to create a safer, more welcoming and fair Michigan for all LGBT and allied people."
Garcia began advocacy work for the LGBT community in 2000, after being fired as Community Services Coordinator of Swartz Creek for attempting to start a Gay Straight Alliance in the public schools. Currently Garcia serves as the executive director of Kalamazoo's Gay and Lesbian Resource Center.
When asked about the fate of Kalamazoo's GLRC, Garcia said, "We've been putting together a transition plan, as the center has known this was a possibility. (The executive committee) will likely have a plan available by the end of the week."

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