
Conservatives and activism

By Howard Israel

S/he said

"Part of my deal with Target is that they have to start affiliating themselves with LGBT charity groups and begin to reform and make amends for the mistakes they've made in the past … our relationship is hinged upon their reform in the company to support the gay community and to redeem the mistakes they've made supporting those groups."
– Lady Gaga, in an article titled "Gaga Dissolves Deal With Target," citing Target's continued political activity, contributing money to anti-gay politicians and organizations, as the main stumbling block,, March 8.

"I can't possibly be an impartial judge of a citizen when I am considered a second-class one in the eyes of this justice system."
– Jonathan Lovitz, 26-year-old actor, during the jury duty process, telling a Manhattan judge why he couldn't be an impartial juror, in a column titled "Why I came out in the jury box,", March 12. Lovitz was excused from jury duty, but will remain in the pool of future jury duty candidates.

"The belief that Republicans are homophobic is something that's portrayed more in the media than in reality. In fact, gay rights (is) a conservative cause. The Republican Party was founded on the principle of individual liberty. Our party opposed government recognition of the ownership of human beings as slaves … Our party has always held the concept of equality and liberty as a means of unity, not division."
– Troy Ard, 22, psychology student at Colorado State University, is openly gay and is the state chairman of the Colorado Federation of College Republicans, in an article titled "Gay and conservative: Some young Republicans advocating for gay rights,", March 12.

"Words matter. They shape how people think, especially about matters with which they are unfamiliar. And just as it's not 'gay lunch' or 'gay baseball,' calling it 'gay marriage' means it is different from 'straight marriage.' It's not. Gay and straight, marriage is 'marriage.' "
– David Badash, in his blog titled "Let's Finally Say No To 'Gay Marriage',", Feb. 2.

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